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MAY 2015 HEALTH AND FINANCIAL NEWSLETTER from Pastor Lindsey Williams

WARNING! – Finally my Elite friend answered one of my emails after not replying to my emails for some time. The Elite are aware that there is something affecting the earth from out in space. They will not tell me what, but my Elite friend did make this statement in their email:

‘Something is throwing the earth of kilter. The Alaska natives have made observations that such changes are affecting their hunting and fishing patterns.’

I have received several messages asking if Pastor Williams will be doing any more radio shows. Unfortunately for the time being he will not be doing radio shows due to health reasons. However, Pastor Williams did have two important messages to say: “The worldwide crash appears to be imminent” and “If ever people needed to prepare IMMEDIATELY, it is now.”

The Cause of a Crash

By Tom Fyler

There are a lot of factors that signal a prospective economic and market crash. There is one though, that causes it. Those on the inside of the financial system know what it is, and know it approaches. And they prepare themselves for the inevitable. They position themselves to make fortunes on the back of the one factor that causes financial and market crashes. This one causing factor is unseen to the “naked” or Unknowing Eye. And yet, if you know where to look, you can see it—and prepare for it.

Lindsey Williams - Chaos Approaches

We all know that the U.S. and other nations are sporting record balance sheet debt. So-called stimulus or money printing is an international addiction. Yet, no crash. The same with U.S. corporations—more debt than ever. But no crash. Currencies throughout the world are crumbling. The U.S. dollar is attacked as the world reserve currency. Mideast and other military conflicts and terrorist attacks abound. But no crash.

So what is this cause of financial and market crashes? According to some research studies*, this cause preceded such economic and market crises as the 1987 stock market crash, the early 1990s credit crunch, the late 1990s Russian Debt Crisis, the 1998 Long-Term Capital hedge fund meltdown, the bubble and market crash from 2000-2003, the sub-prime lending crisis in 2007 and the subsequent 2008 global financial crash.

Ben Bernanke perhaps summed up the cause best at the Conference Co-sponsored by the Center for Economic Policy Studies and the Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University, on September 24, 2010: “Market illiquidity…..” In short, liquidity is necessary to support and stabilize the value of assets that are being sold. Without liquidity, asset values crash.

And now today, to the Seeing Eye, there are increasing signs of faltering liquidity in the global financial system. The Institute for International Finance in an April 30, 2015 release reported that in numerous emerging market global regions—“…bank lending conditions tightened abruptly to their weakest level in three years in 2015Q1.” They report a plunge in loan demand, a tightening of bank lending, and increasing loan defaults. A clear sign of growing “market illiquidity.”

An associate of mine deep in the financial system expressed a concern of “no liquidity (in the system) to absorb selling.” Another person of even greater prominence a week ago referred to open-end mutual funds “…and the potential liquidity risks the funds could face amid a wave of redemptions (or selling).” Was this a wild-eyed Crash Conspiracy Theorist? No—it was Fed Chairperson Janet Yellen answering a question from none other than Christine Lagarde at an International Monetary Fund (IMF) Finance and Society conference.

We’ve been warned. Are you ready? I would be pleased to provide you with a nine question survey that might help you better understand how prepared you are and what you might be able to do to not only be protected from a crash, but to be positioned to possibly benefit from one. You may email me to request the survey at

Tom Fyler is Managing Director of Fountain Wealth Associates, LLC , a consultant in Wealth & Natural Resources. Mr. Fyler is also President of Commodities & Securities, Inc., a Commodity Trading Advisor registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and a Member of the National Futures Association (NFA), and a Registered Investment Advisor with the State of North Carolina.

Risk Disclosure: This communication is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as containing or providing specific investment or financial advice. Readers should be aware that there is risk of loss of some or all funds when investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, real estate, commodities and/or currencies any of which may not be appropriate for all investors. Readers should consult directly with financial professionals for advice appropriate to personal financial circumstances.*The author is pleased to direct readers to research studies that discuss causes of financial and market crashes upon request.


Pastor Lindsey Williams & Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD at IBC Hospital & Health Center, Tijuana, Mexico
Pastor Lindsey Williams & Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD at IBC Hospital & Health Center, Tijuana, Mexico

Consider a hospital within five miles of the American border

You as the patient come first.

Where natural methods of healing are practiced.

Where there is an Internationally approved Operating Room in which there has never been an incident of someone contracting some disease in the course of the operation which they did not have prior to the operation. Most all types of operations are performed.

The only place IN THE WORLD where the Alivizatos Cancer Treatment is given. Lindsey Williams says – My personal friend was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer and sent home to die. He was given the twenty one day Alivizatos treatment. That was twenty years ago. Today his cancer is in remission and he is living a normal life.

Joint Replacements of all kinds – Knee joint replacement – Hip joint replacement in a tender loving care environments where you can afford to recuperate in the hospital instead of at home. The therapist will come to your room.

Stem Cell treatment using your bodies own stem cells was pioneered at BioCare Hospital.

CALL TOLL FREE – 1800-262-0212 – Ask for Teresa – Tell her that Lindsey Williams suggested you ask for the (60) sixty page booklet – FREE OF CHARGE.

You will need BioCare Hospital when American doctors and hospitals can no longer be trusted. Get to know BioCare now before you need then.

Dr. Rodriguez, who founded BioCare Hospital over thirty years ago, describes his theory of Natural Health Treatment as follows –

Dr. Rodriguez

To attain positive results in surgery

To get surgery done right, we must procure optimum performance and healing of the body: planning and following up the intervention.

When we face our physician’s statement about the need to undergo a surgical procedure, we face many questions and doubts about the final outcome, results, and benefits we can expect. In doing so, we think and analyze of course our own physician’s credentials, the technical capacities of the hospital and OR, the quality of the staff and of course drugs involved.

Lindsey Williams - IBC Hospital
Lindsey Williams at the IBC Hospital In Tijuana Mexico

But I would invite you to think inwards, because one of the most important factors involved in order to obtain desired results is nonetheless the patient. Our internal milieu or terrain is after all the scene of the surgical procedure. Our biological resources supported by nutrition, sufficient supply of critical nutrients and energy, freedom from toxins, excellent vascular and heart condition with proper blood supply and oxygenation, prompt and efficient immune response and lack of stress and a spiritual foundation will provoke the response, resistance to infection, quality of tissue for the surgeon to work on and the healing capacity we all expect and desire.

International Bio Care Hospital and Wellness Center has centered medical care in the promotion of all the biological capabilities to generate energy, healing and ultimately quality of life. Our programs review and asses all of them to assure from the start their enhancement and fulfillment to achieve optimum performance.

We are proud of the quality and results that this approach has produced. Our biological control of the internal milieu apply also to our facilities and specially to our surgical areas. Back in the 1990’s, we pioneered the use of chlorine dioxide for the non-antibiotic management of microbial infestations of the body and we expanded that to the cleansing and preparation of surgical areas and all surfaces including the skin of patients and personnel. Together with a definitive support of the patient’s assets, that fight off from within the settling and replication of microbial presence we have created a surgical environment where hospital-borne infections are practically non-existent.

Optimum body resources produce optimum outcome. Healing is the final result of huge metabolic efforts of the body to restore health. Nutritional programs that not only provide the best quality of foods but are also assisted by careful and programmed supplementation; constant detection and elimination of immune challenges and attention to the protocols that help the restoration and renewal of cells and tissues damaged either by the disease itself or even by the procedures themselves, have to come together in a well orchestrated, inclusive protocol that will best serve the individual cases.

Modern medical facilities, board certified professionals, integrative-complementary environment bringing together metabolic therapies for restorative care and wellbeing to help surgical procedures to develop their full potential.

International Bio Care Hospital and Wellness Center avails its expertise to any individual that would like to consult with us.

For further information relating to IBC Hospital & Health Center please call toll-free: 1-800-262-0212 FREE – Ask for Teresa – Tell her that Lindsey Williams suggested you ask for the (60) sixty page booklet – FREE OF CHARGE.


Daily Supplement Regime From Leading Health Freedom Authority

By James Harkin

For the past six years I have been helping the world's oldest health freedom organisation get established in the UK. The National Health Federation was established in 1955 and is an international non-profit, consumer-education, health-freedom organisation working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements, and use alternative therapies without government restrictions. With consumer members all over the world, and a Board of Governors and Advisory Board containing representatives from 7 different countries, the Federation is unique as being not only the World's oldest health-freedom organization for consumers, but the only one accredited by Codex to attend and speak out at meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the highest international body on food standards.

The National Health Federation

Codex Alimentarius is Latin for ‘Food Code'. The Codex Alimentarius Commission, based in Rome, Italy, and created in 1963, is an international organization jointly run by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations. One of its 27 committees, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use (CCNFSDU) is responsible for Dietary Supplements and Special Foods. The CCNFSDU meets once yearly in Germany (it's host country) and the National Health Federation is the only health-freedom group that is a Codex recognized organization with the right to attend, submit documents, interact in real time with other Codex delegates, and speak out at these meetings. Codex's published goals are to develop and adopt uniform food standards for its member countries and to promote the free and unhindered international flow of food goods, thereby eliminating barriers to food and providing food safety.

In the 1950's The National Health Federation fought and won the battle for mandatory inspection of poultry. In the 1960's the NHF coordinated a major drive to help chiropractors become legally licensed in over 40 states. In the 1970's the NHF waged very successful campaigns against water fluoridation. In the 1980's the NHF pushed through legislative recognition of acupuncture. In the 1990's the NHF lobbied to pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act S-784, fought malathion spraying, promoted public education on the dangers of vaccinations, and continued fighting the fluoridation battle. In the 2000's the NHF are working to prevent the Codex attempts to restrict your freedom to take vitamins and minerals and many more battles in Health Freedom.

Recently the National Health Federation had their 60th Anniversary celebration. I asked NHF President Scott C. Tips, JD for a supplement regime that people can use to stay healthy. He emailed me a list of supplements that he regularly takes to keep in optimal health. The supplement regime is shared below. I have added some description and some food sources:

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

  • Vitamin A – 10,000iu – every two days

Vitamin A is key for good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth. There are two types of vitamin A. This entry is primarily about the active form of vitamin A – retinoids – that comes from animal products. Beta-carotene is among the second type of vitamin A, which comes from plants.

Foods that contain Vitamin A: Sweet Potato (cooked), Carrots (cooked), Dark Leafy Greens (Kale, cooked), Squash (Butternut, cooked), Cos or Romaine Lettuce, Dried Apricots, Cantaloupe Melon, Sweet Red Peppers, Tuna Fish (Bluefin, cooked), Tropical Fruit (Mango)

  • Omega-3 fatty acids 2x/day

When it comes to fat, there’s one type you don’t want to cut back on: omega-3 fatty acids. Two crucial ones — EPA and DHA — are primarily found in certain fish. ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), another omega-3 fatty acid, is found in plant sources such as nuts and seeds. Not only does your body need these fatty acids to function, but also they deliver some big health benefits on Blood, Rheumatoid arthritis, Depression, Baby development, Asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids: Anchovies, Bluefish, Herring, Mackerel, Salmon (wild has more omega-3 than farmed), Sardines, Sturgeon, Lake Trout, Tuna.

  • B-50 Complex

This product is a combination of B vitamins used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses, alcoholism, or during pregnancy. Vitamins are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health. B vitamins include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin/niacinamide, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, and pantothenic acid.

  • Boron: 3 mg/day

Boron is used for building strong bones, treating osteoarthritis, as an aid for building muscles and increasing testosterone levels, and for improving thinking skills and muscle coordination.

Foods that contain Boron: Almonds, Walnuts, Avocados, Broccoli, Potatoes, Pears, Prunes, Honey, Oranges, Onions, Chick Peas.

  • Vitamin C: 1000 mg, in divided doses, 2-3x/day

Vitamin C is used most often for preventing and treating the common cold. Some people use it for other infections including gum disease, acne and other skin infections, bronchitis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, stomach ulcers caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, tuberculosis, dysentery (an infection of the lower intestine), and skin infections that produce boils (furunculosis). It is also used for infections of the bladder and prostate.

Foods that contain Vitamin C: Guava, Red Pepper, Kiwi, Orange, Green Pepper, Grapefruit, Strawberries, Brussels Sprouts, Cantaloupe.

  • Vitamin E mixed tocopherols 400 IUs/day (A.C. Grace Unique E Mixed Tocopherols)

Scientists isolated vitamin E from wheat germ oil in the 1920s and called it the “antisterility” vitamin. Its name, alpha-tocopherol, is from the Greek tokos, “offspring” and phero, which means “to bear”. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. It supports cardiovascular function by blocking formation of compounds that can increase risk for atherosclerosis.

Foods that contain Vitamin E mixed tocopherols: Nuts, Fish, Green Leafy Vegetables and Vegetable Oils.

  • Unique Vitamin E Tocotrienol (A.C. Grace Unique E Tocotrienols) 1x/day

Tocotrienols help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Research indicates that they may also contribute to improving vascular and cardiometabolic integrity, help support a healthy cardiovascular system, and help maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Foods that contain Vitamin E Tocotrienols include: Palm, Rice, Rice Bran, Barley, Oats, Rye, Wheat, Nuts.

  • Alpha lipoic acid: 100 mg-600 mg/day

Alpha-lipoic acid is used for diabetes and nerve-related symptoms of diabetes including burning, pain, and numbness in the legs and arms. High doses of alpha-lipoic acid are approved in Germany for the treatment of these symptoms. Some people use alpha-lipoic acid for memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), HIV/AIDS, cancer, liver disease, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including a disorder called cardiac autonomic neuropathy) and Lyme disease.

Foods that contain Alpha Lipoic Acid: Spinach, Broccoli, Yams, Potatoes, Yeast, Tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Carrots, Beets and Rice Bran. Red meat, especially organ meat is also a source of alpha-lipoic acid.

  • Coenzyme Q10: 100 mg/day

Many people use coenzyme Q-10 for treating heart and blood vessel conditions such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, and heart problems linked to certain cancer drugs. It is also used for diabetes, gum disease (both taken by mouth and applied directly to the gums), breast cancer, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, increasing exercise tolerance, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and Lyme disease. Some people think coenzyme Q-10 will treat hair loss related to taking warfarin (Coumadin), a medication used to slow blood clotting.

Foods that contain Coenzyme Q10 include: Sulfurous vegetables such as Broccoli and Cauliflower, Oranges, Strawberries. Fatty fish also include coenzyme Q10, such as herring and beef and poultry as well as peanuts, sesame seeds as well as soybean oil and canola oil.

  • Hyaluronic acid: 100 mg/day (for those 40 or older)

People take hyaluronic acid for various joint disorders, including osteoarthritis. Hyaluronic acid works by acting as a cushion and lubricant in the joints and other tissues. It's benefits are for skin, joints, eyes and for reducing gum disease.

Foods that contain Hyaluronic acid: Organ meats including gizzards, livers, hearts and kidneys. However, a diet of starchy root vegetables enables the body to continue to produce its own hyaluronic acid.

  • Magnesium citrate 400 mg/day

This product is used to clean stool from the intestines before surgery or certain bowel procedures (e.g., colonoscopy, radiography), usually with other products. It may also be used for relief of constipation. However, milder products (e.g., stool softeners, bulk-forming laxatives) should be used whenever possible for constipation.

Foods that contain Magnesium citrate: Dark leafy greens (raw spinach), Nuts and seeds (squash and pumpkin seeds), Fish (mackerel), Beans and Lentils (soy beans), Whole grains (brown rice), Avocados, Low-fat dairy (plain non-fat yogurt), Bananas, Dried fruit (figs), Dark chocolate

  • MSM: 1000 mg/day

MSM is a chemical in animals, humans, and many plants. People use it most often to try to treat arthritis. People take MSM to try to relieve pain or swelling from: Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, Bursitis, tendinitis, or tenosynovitis, Osteoporosis, Muscle cramps, Scleroderma, Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, Headaches or hangover, Premenstrual syndrome, Inflammation in eyes or mucous membranes.

Foods that contain MSM: Fruit, Corn, Tomatoes, Tea and Coffee, Milk.

  • Pycnogenol: 1 capsule/day

Pycnogenol is the US registered trademark name for a product derived from the pine bark of a tree known as Pinus pinaster. The active ingredients in pycnogenol can also be extracted from other sources, including peanut skin, grape seed, and witch hazel bark. Pycnogenol is used for treating circulation problems, allergies, asthma, ringing in the ears, high blood pressure, muscle soreness, pain, osteoarthritis, diabetes, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a disease of the female reproductive system called endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, painful menstrual periods, erectile dysfunction (ED), and an eye disease called retinopathy.

Foods that contain Pycnogenol include: Small amounts are available in the peels, skins or seeds of grapes, blueberries, cherries, and plums; in the bark of the lemon tree and the Landis pine tree; and in the leaves of the hazelnut tree.

  • Selenium: 200 mcg/day (preferably Jarrow brand “Selenium Synergy”)

Selenium is a mineral found in the soil. Selenium naturally appears in water and some foods. While people only need a very small amount, selenium plays a key role in the metabolism. Selenium has attracted attention because of its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect cells from damage. There is some evidence that selenium supplements may reduce the odds of prostate cancer. Selenium does not seem to affect the risk of colorectal or lung cancer. But beware: selenium also seems to increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer.

Foods that contain Selenium include: Brazil nuts, Seafood (Oysters – cooked), Fish (Tuna – cooked), Whole-wheat bread, Seeds (Sunflower), Pork (lean tenderloin – cooked), Beef and lamb (Lean beef steak – cooked), Chicken and turkey (turkey, back or leg meat cooked), Mushrooms (crimini), Whole grains (rye).

  • Zinc: 15-30 mg/day

Zinc is used for treatment and prevention of zinc deficiency and its consequences, including stunted growth and acute diarrhea in children, and slow wound healing. It is also used for boosting the immune system, treating the common cold and recurrent ear infections, and preventing lower respiratory infections. It is also used for malaria and other diseases caused by parasites.

Foods that contain Zinc include: Seafood (cooked oysters), Beef and lamb (cooked lean beef shortribs), Wheat germ (toasted), Spinach, Pumpkin and squash seeds, Nuts (cashews), Cocoa and chocolate (cocoa powder), Pork and chicken (cooked lean pork shoulder), Beans (cooked mung beans), Mushrooms (cooked white mushrooms).

  • Curcumin: 500 mg/day (preferably as 95% curcuminoids)

Curcumin is found in Turmeric, which is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine. Turmeric is used for arthritis, heartburn (dyspepsia), stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems and gallbladder disorders.

Foods that contain Curcumin: Turmeric (Curcuma longa). Turmeric, sometimes called “poor man's saffron”, is the best known natural source of curcumin. Ground turmeric is a common ingredient in curry powders, but also fresh turmeric has some culinary uses. Other foods that contain curcumin include: Curry powder and Mango Ginger (curcuma amada Roxb.).

  • Quercetin: 500 mg/day

Quercetin is used for treating conditions of the heart and blood vessels including “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, heart disease, and circulation problems. It is also used for diabetes, cataracts, hay fever, peptic ulcer, schizophrenia, inflammation, asthma, gout, viral infections, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), preventing cancer, and for treating chronic infections of the prostate. Quercetin is also used to increase endurance and improve athletic performance.

Foods that contain Quercetin: It is found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, American elder, and others. Buckwheat tea has a large amount of quercetin.

  • Gingko Biloba: 120 mg/day

Ginkgo is often used for memory disorders including Alzheimer’s disease. It is also used for conditions that seem to be due to reduced blood flow in the brain, especially in older people. These conditions include memory loss, headache, ringing in the ears, vertigo, difficulty concentrating, mood disturbances, and hearing disorders. Some people use it for other problems related to poor blood flow in the body, including leg pain when walking (claudication), and Raynaud’s syndrome (a painful response to cold, especially in the fingers and toes).

Foods that contain Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba is a seed that is a common ingredient in many Asian dishes. The Chinese incorporate gingko biloba in congee or rice porridge. The Japanese prefer to integrate the gingko biloba seeds in a dish known as chawanmushi, which is a steamed egg custard.

  • Vitamin D3: 5,000-10,000/day

Vitamin D is used for preventing and treating rickets, a disease that is caused by not having enough vitamin D (vitamin D deficiency). Vitamin D is also used for treating weak bones (osteoporosis), bone pain (osteomalacia), bone loss in people with a condition called hyperparathyroidism, and an inherited disease (osteogenesis imperfecta) in which the bones are especially brittle and easily broken. It is also used for preventing falls and fractures in people at risk for osteoporosis, and preventing low calcium and bone loss (renal osteodystrophy) in people with kidney failure.

Foods that contain Vitamin D3: Cod liver oil, Oily fish (trout – cooked), Mushrooms (portabello), Fortified cereals (whole grain Total), Tofu (Firm – lite), Caviar, Dairy products (queso fresco), Pork (extra lean ham), Eggs (hard boiled), Dairy alternatives (plain soy yogurt).

  • Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7): 90 mcg/day

Vitamin K2 (the menaquinones) is a group name for a family of related compounds, generally subdivided into short-chain menaquinones (with MK-4 as the most important member) and the long-chain menaquinones, of which MK-7, MK-8 and MK-9 are nutritionally the most recognized. It has been suggested that vitamin K2 may play an important role in maintaining healthy levels of bone mineral density (BMD). Patients suffering from osteoporosis were shown to have extensive calcium plaques, which impaired blood flow in the arteries. Research showed that vascular calcification might not only be prevented, but even reversed by increasing the daily intake of vitamin K2.

Foods that contain Vitamin K2: Natto, Hard cheese, Soft cheese, Egg yolk, Butter, Chicken liver, Salami, Chicken breast, ground beef, Spinach, Broccoli, Asparagus, Collard greens, Swiss chard, Bok Choy, Peas, Parsely and Lentils.

  • Resveratrol: 100 mg as LONGEVINEX

Many of the headlines about the possible anti-ageing  and disease fighting possibilities for resveratrol have come from laboratory or animal studies rather than evidence from trials involving humans. Some of the conditions that early research suggests resveratrol might help protect against include: Heart disease, Cancer, Alzheimer's and Diabetes.

Foods that contain Resveratrol include: peanuts, pistachios, grapes, red and white wine, blueberries, cranberries, cocoa and dark chocolate.

The National Health Federation are not a huge organization, they are operating on a shoestring budget, unlike other health organizations they are not affiliated with any corporate entity. Therefore, funds to fight health freedom are generated from donations and memberships. Membership to The National Health Federation includes Health Freedom News magazine four times per year as well as two wonderful health freedom books.

You can contact The National Health Federation at: +1 (626) 357-2181 or by email: You can also visit their website (currently under redevelopment) at You can make a donation too

Request from Pastor Lindsey Williams

Chaplain Williams, his wife and twenty one year old son would like to leave the Arizona area for this summer, where it is so hot, and go where it is cooler – Does anyone have a place that you could offer them? – Anywhere in the world?

If you have a place that you could offer them, please use the contact us form at and your message will be forwarded to Pastor Williams directly.

Second Newsletter…

Because of the information that Pastor Williams has shared there is too much for just one newsletter. I am currently compiling a second newsletter that will expand on what was discussed in the last newsletter entitled ‘Global Financial Events, Collapse & Gold', which discussed what was happening later in 2015. I will be writing an article about ‘The Post-2015 Development Agenda' and what this will mean for the American people as well as humanity globally. I will also detail a recent article from Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price who is predicting Apocalypse and Enormous Disorder coming. This newsletter will be released within the next week or so.

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World Wide Financial Collapse Scheduled for between September and the end of December 2015!

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September 24, 2015 Asteroid Prediction NOT Made By Pastor Lindsey Williams


    • mike
    • June 9, 2015

    The PetroYuan Is Born: Gazprom Now Settling All Crude Sales To China In Renminbi

    • Marguerite
    • June 7, 2015

    The talk on below link given by Ken Peters is worth listening to for anyone who accepts Bible prophecies and the tribulation. Ken was shown the future in dreams by the Lord in 1980. A lot of what he was shown has come to pass and others beginning to occur.

    From what the Lord has said, the NWO is a certainty since the anti-Christ has to or will take his seat in power over the entire world.

    Ken gives a brief physical description of the anti-Christ figure which is helpful to identify him when he appears on the world stage.

    When summed up Christians are going to experience severe difficulties on every front. Ken’s talk spells it out fairly well. The bottom line for a Christian is to go hide somewhere with long term food supplies, if that will be feasibly possible!

      • jj99
      • June 5, 2015

      Yep, exactly. It was very controversial info. I’m not saying that it was a lie, but it’s just impossible to implement. The economy is bad, and since the rest of the world (Japan, Europe, China) is printing money, plus the sanctions agains Russia, the dollar is quite strong. Put these together, and you will get negative GDP no matter the gimmicks they do… So, how the Fed is supposed to tell that everything was fixed and raise interest rates? And does US really needs such thing? Well, we can always assume that such possibility exists, but these people (the “elite”, Fed, IMF) prove every day that they don’t know what they are doing. I never put too much in their information, except when the same info comes from other sources. I think the world is turning against the US, but this is a slow and indirect process.

      • Jake
      • June 5, 2015

      But….. aren’t the elites far above the likes of IMF and the Fed so they will tell Yellen what to say and when? Lagarde told us she does what she is told and Ben from the Fed gave a deliberate test run ages ago usibg key words he was given to say to make the test run Lindsey told us about so they know how to pull out the big one.

      I think you guys are putting too much stock in the IMF, Fed and other county’s leadership and the media! The elites seem to be more powerful than all these people! And so what if another country demands an explanation from the Fed who are being controlled by elites? They’ll just stick their middle finger up at the world and say come on who wants to take a swing at us?! Only Russia and China canfight the US but seem reluctant to do so.

      So, the elites tell Yellen what to say this Sep, it shocks us all, the world implodes due to raising the rates as Ken Frome said, and in comes theNWO financial system promising the sheep “never again must this happen” lol.

      You guys seem to be missing what Lindsey has been telling you. The Fed, Japan, IMF, G7 etc all these things mean nothing. A group of people above them are about to push a button. These groups below are powerless. Who cares if CNN says the IMF said blah blah blah?

      • Jake
      • June 5, 2015

      Ps… the shock is more effective by telling the media to tell you that it wont happen until 2016. See?

      • Maria
      • June 5, 2015

      It’s been over two weeks now. When will the update come out? Said it would be about a week. Not meant to upset anyone, just nervous and looking for some clarity

      (ED: It will be sent out on Monday. Just finishing up an extensive article on global government for this issue.)

      • Marguerite
      • June 6, 2015

      That suggests the elite may use another button rather than an interest rate rise. Perhaps they’ll allow Greece to default or the low oil prices or the bond market to explode the derivatives bomb.

      Pastor did say the Euro will collapse then the USD which seems to suggest Greece could set off a Euro collapse which causes the dominoes to fall.

      September is going to be INTERESTING. I hope the internet is still up and running, a hand-cranking radio could be worth having 🙂

        • Mark
        • June 6, 2015

        Don’t forget what Lindsey said some time ago. The Fed may be forced to raise rates, even if they don’t want to, regardless of what it does to the economy.

        This could happen, if the Greece default Friday finally start to set off the derivatives (they’ve put this off so long, probably not) , or the bond market starts to crack. The US has to sell 2 Trillion dollars in bonds next year for goodness sake.

        So no matter what the IMF says, a rate rise is still possible. The Elite are always trying to confuse us, so you can’t always trust what their puppet institutions put out.

    • Paul
    • June 2, 2015

    Interesting article on BitGold:

    This is way to own gold and also be able to use it like cash.

    • Dammy
    • May 30, 2015

    Once again, real life is proving what LW said several years ago would happen is becoming a reality:

      • srk
      • May 29, 2015


    • Jake
    • May 26, 2015

    Is this crash still on for september-oct this year?

    And is it still gonna be “the big climax” that ends all collapses and kills all markets and currencies etc? Is this the big one to shake up the west for years to come?

    Just checking nothing has changed.
    Thank you!

      • Marguerite
      • May 31, 2015

      Nothing has changed from what I’m hearing and reading. Pastor says the crash is imminent and many other forecasters are speaking of September too. Particularly those who follow the shmitah are saying September 13 is the key date.

      One commentator put it this way… it will be like tidal waves – one crash then followed by further waves afterwards into 2016 which brings down the whole system in stages.

      It is really hard to imagine it to be honest, but I don’t mind being cautious and therefore put away 3 months food stores (hopefully 3 months is enough).
      Do you think the food supply chain can remain broken for longer than 3 months?

      The questionable factor is probably going to be the price of food and having currency.

      • RT
      • June 2, 2015

      I will not be surprised to see them hedging their bets soon. I just do not see it happening this soon. It is always 6 mos. away with them. I think it is a scare tactic.

    • Dammy
    • May 26, 2015

    As LW said it would happen, here comes the US Government for retirement funds. I wonder if the people are starting to realize just why Obama created MyRAs.

    • Paul
    • May 26, 2015

    Jim Rickards:

    When Central Bankers say “rules of the game” that’s code for a new international monetary system. See more at this link.

    • Dammy
    • May 26, 2015
    • Marie
    • May 25, 2015

    If the Elite are so smart how is it that they have not figured out that every time there is a major earthquake it changes the tilt of the Earth. When the tilt is changed it also changes jet streams. It may make them drop down lower of swing higher. So we will have to wait until we see what the earthquakes in Nepal do to our weather pattern.
    Lindsey told us most of them live in Alaska well the tilt has caused a change in the season and weather patterns which in turn effects the hunting and fishing.

    • Dammy
    • May 24, 2015

    Guess we are closer to end game, Stockman is warning about the Central Banks and Derivatives:

    • PJ
    • May 23, 2015

    Could this be the Nibiru, Planet X? According to Bob Flecher, it will approach the earth between the end of 2015 to Mar/Apr2016. And the past terrible winter was caused by this as well.

      • Mark
      • May 25, 2015

      One of the tools the Elites use to control us is confusion/disinformation. They put these false conspiracies out there, so some of us repeat them (with good intentions), and then no one believes anything we have to say. Even it’s something like “Hey there are a bunch of well connected and powerful people, secretly working together for their own benefit at our cost”

      I think the Planet X theory is one of those disinfo stories. Read this article, I think one of the better points it made was if Planet X was actually that close, you would visually see it in the sky, like a comet or the other planets.

      The main focus for all of us if we are to save ourselves has to be the Globalist Oligarchy that runs the world and what it wants to do to us. That’s the only conspiracy that matters.

        • Jake
        • May 26, 2015

        It’s behind the sun currently so you cannot see it.
        It sometimes pokes out and depending on where you are in the world you may see it for a time… and people have… and they photograph it.
        The world’s weather amd sinkhole rate and meteor rate has become alarming lately as planet x draws near.
        Too many dead NASA guys popped up.
        I know it’s easier not to believe but where is the fun in that?
        Have fun with it!!
        You take life too seriously!!
        Dare to believe it and enjoy it!! I hope planet x comes soon and gives everyone the kick up the ass they deserve/need. You gonna vote gay marriage???!! Along comes planet x (God’s judgement) with something to say about thay!!
        Please also destroy me along with all the others in your crosshairs planet x!! I’ve had enough of this lot down here I have to share the earth with!!!

          • Marguerite
          • May 27, 2015

          Thing are going to get worse according to Bible prophecy which talks about the return of Babylon in the last days. Homosexuality was prevalent in ancient Babylon. Satan knows he’s only got a short time so he’s going to ramp it up.

          President of the World Bible Society says he is expecting the Lord to return between 2018 and 2028:

          • Al
          • May 28, 2015

          Some people say that Nibiru is behind the Sun, some say you can only see it from the south pole. This planet is huge according to these stories and planets travel in a three dimensional space. How is it possible that Niburu is always hiding behind the Sun while it is traveling thru space? To me that’s a bit strange.

          • Marguerite
          • May 31, 2015

          I used to think perhaps Nibaru and the reversal of the poles were plausible theories. But I’ve change my outlook. If it hasn’t been prophesied in the Bible I won’t accept the theory as being of concern. My view is based on the supremacy of the Lord. His prophecies are true and won’t change. Hence any grandiose theory that destroys life on earth and counters the Lord’s foretelling of what will take place, I feel is false. Perhaps there may be facts to the theories, but as for the forecasts I think they won’t eventuate. I don’t believe anything will overshadow what the Lord foretold.

      • Jake
      • May 25, 2015

      Hey I purchases Fletcher’s latest dvd “Incoming”. It’s really good. 4hrs of interesting stuff revolving around planet x, stolen trillions and alien lifeforms (fallen angels or demons of some kind no doubt). I recommend the dvd but you’ll have to forgive Bob’s awful spelling! Other than his spelling and grammer it is really good viewing… a labour of love that has taken him many years to compile. Thumbs up!

    • Jake
    • May 23, 2015

    “We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos”…
    Youtube it.
    Why did he say that?
    Takes us into sep 2015.
    Volcanoes going off everywhere.
    Strange sounds from skies.
    Real sightings of planet x behind the sun popping up at certain times of day.
    Underground bunkers for elites.
    Seed bank in a mountain in Norway with every seed in it.
    Pope ranting on about climate change trying to sucker us all in (he’ll be supporting the muslims and the gays and the atheists at this rate…. oh, hang on..!)
    Etc etc.
    “They” know planet x is real. All these deniers will just learn the hard way. Can’t wait for the show to start… 🙂

    • Jake
    • May 23, 2015

    Come on people its planet x. Im a huge believer in planet x. They are slowly warnig us its out there and close.

    • Dude Man
    • May 23, 2015

    A day prior to receiving the emailed newsletter I had listened to Augusto Perez on Hagmann and Hagmann.

    Upon reading the intro title from Pastor Williams, I felt a move in my spirit. This could be confirmation in what Augusto talked about or just being awakened that many things are aligning thru the watchman and prophets. Either way, we need to get our spiritual house in order first and worry about physical preparations 2nd. Cling to the “rock” our Lord and Savior Jesus.
    In the end I feel that things are not going to play out exactly how man thinks and plans for. We must always remember the Lord is in control and His ways are not man’s ways!

      • Al
      • May 26, 2015

      I am aware of the book of revelation, but honestly believe that the Elite is planning something that will bring in the false messiah. It shall look like a Devine intervention. I don’t trust people anymore that had a “revelation” of God. Steve Quayle once said that Jesus appeared personally in front of him. Really?

      There is a whole bunch of people that work for the Elite, to give us “revelations” for a single purpose: to manipulate us. There is no doubt that something is coming and the Elite is pretty much in control of it. If something like Nibiru would really come close to earth, the influence on the planet earth would be a disaster and no prepping effort could save from a cataclysmic event like that. There would be no need for FEMA camps as most of the people would be swept away by the oceans. Who knows what will happen if such a big object comes near earth with its massive gravity. If that is real you only need to pray to God that he shall have mercy for your soul.

      But! In revelation such an event (Nibiru) isn’t mentioned. If you really believe in Jesus Christ, Nibiru isn’t a real option. Maybe a large object that will hit earth (falling star), but that will not even come close to the effect of a huge planet coming close to earth. God promised not to send ever again a flood that will destroy mankind. Therefore he created the rainbow to keep his promise in mind. Hope that makes sense.

      These sounds people hear are strange. I don’t know what the real reason is, but it should be possible to fake these sounds. People shall believe that it is a trumpet from heaven, but I don ‘t think so. They follow a plan and try to deceive people. I would suggest to stay calm and don’t become worried.

      God told us not to become afraid and what these people do for years is they make the people afraid. What this guy on hagmann&hagmann is telling fits perfectly into this fear strategy. He is describing the end of the days. And God gave him this revelation. Really?

      In my opinion the Elite has infiltrated the Truther and info warrior movement and many people seem to inform us about secrets of the Elite. But the Hegelian strategy is to coordinate both opposing sides to bring in their solution to us. Don’t forget how they operate.

        • yd
        • June 5, 2015

        the ‘prophet from puerto rico’ has been proven WRONG repeatedly. folks use your common sense. this is ANOTHER Illuminati hoax to help them scare us into their NWO. which of course they hope we will beg them to rule. wake up

        (ED: The New World Order has been here since the end of the Second World War. Over the past 70 years it has gathered considerable support from the masses. In September we will see the next step in global governance.)

    • Dede
    • May 23, 2015

    Yes, something has happened just recently. I spoke to my mother 2 days ago. She told me that animals from Africa are coming towards Europe and now very close to Baltic states – especially jackals. Wild boars also have been seen running trough the streets for no reason. If we don`t know what is going on-they do.

    • Warren
    • May 23, 2015

    I think he means “the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted to the North.” affecting fish catch. This means the weather changes play a part in contributed to the increase in food prices, including seafood prices.

    How about Solar Flares & hackers attacker? Any idea whether it will be use as an excuses to cover up the coming derivative crash.

    And I think asteroid is unlikely, asteriod Apophis is due in 2029 as advised by Pleajren. We still have 14 years to go.

    Lastly, I think the Elites want China to join SDR then they can have some influence on issued quantity else sooner of later, RMB will become a reserve currency then the elites can’t control the quantity issued. In addition, I think the military exercise in the south china sea is to pull pressure on China to lower the RMB weighting demand within the SDR.

    • Dammy
    • May 22, 2015

    Guess the Elites are getting concerned that Obama will block China from joining the SDR basket and called out the big guns:

    • Rt
    • May 22, 2015

    The earth is out of kilter? Eskimos? I heard this about 5 or 6 years ago. If the earth was off kilter the stars, planets, sun in moon would be in unexplained locations. Until I see that this just cannot be true. As a pastor can LW explain what is going on as it relates to the Book of Revelation? Thank you.

      • Marguerite
      • May 23, 2015


      You may like the following – evidence of prophecies in Revelations coming to pass. The news and video reports seem legitimate unless someone has an explanation to expose them as false.

      Revelations Chapter 16:12
      And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

      In the news:

      Chapter 16:3
      And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

      News report:

      Chapter 16:4
      And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

      News reports:

        • Rt
        • May 29, 2015

        Please Don’t misunderstand me. I believe the Bible but NOT the “elite”. If the earth was off kilter the planets, moon, sun and stars would be out of place and they are not. This is just them fear mongering. Jesus is in control.

    • Marguerite
    • May 22, 2015

    James, thank you for the helpful supplement information you listed. Regarding ‘something throwing the earth off kilter’ and the asteroid ‘scares’ that come and go, I just realized one needs to refer to the Bible prophecies given by the Lord which to me are 100% truth and will occur. As the Lord stated, He is returning and will do battle against armies attacking Israel, so this in itself negates a lot of the scaremongerings and hypotheses of asteroids devastating life that go on. It was nice to read there is MORE info from Pastor – thank you for this as well. I wish I had a place to offer Pastor and his family. Hoping he is blessed with a nice place to go to.


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