Pastor Lindsey Williams sent me an excerpt from an email he received today relating to a potential Catastrophic Currency Crash in 2013…
Well–something that you were informed about a year and a half ago has just bled out in a tiny corner of a major media outlet today—Bloomberg Television.
A Bloomberg anchor at the Jackson Hole Conference interviewed a prolific book author and “High Academia” Ivy League professor. The following is the gist of the interview.
The discussion noted that emerging countries’ initial concern and policies have been oriented toward the problem of an appreciating currency. (This would make their produced and exported assets more expensive and less competitive). Yet the interviewer noted that emerging market “currencies are plunging by the day”. (This is the result of the Trade War and the currency implications you were alerted to by Chaplain Williams well over a year ago). The professor when asked “How ugly this could get?”, responded “This could get very ugly”. The professor explained that emerging market countries had experienced a “capital flow bonanza lasting for several years—the golden boom years”. The professor continued by citing studies that indicated that after such dynamics— “…the probability of a banking crisis, the probability of a CURRENCY CRASH, the probability of a default, all increases afterwards”.
The GDP per capita in PPP of the year 2011. It is from Worldbank, CIA and IMF Data. Courtesy of Wikipedia
As if to emphasize this concept, Brazil Thursday announced a $60 billion intervention in their currency. And two days prior, India’s currency plunged to a record low despite their central bank’s attempt to support it. Indonesia's rupiah fell to a four-year low and the Malaysian Ringgit slid to its weakest in more than three years. Mexico and other Latin American countries’ currencies hit various lows last week as well. (There is some background information on currency and trade that follows below).
What is instructive about the various currencies plunging in value is the “deflationary” performance (loss of value) of most assets in 2013. Depreciating in value this year are corporate bonds, municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury Bonds, gold, silver, copper, coffee, wheat, lumber and natural gas. Emerging countries stock markets have felt the brunt of such deflationary values by declining over 14% in 2013 (based on the “EEM” ETF). The U.S. S&P 500 Index is down slightly since the advent of “tapering talk”.
This is a warning of what may happen around the world in the near future. For those who listen to Pastor Williams' message, the time to prepare is upon us all. His new DVD set will be ready shortly featuring a top Wall Street insider who will explain in detail what may be vital for the welfare and even survival of those who listen. This message goes out to everyone in all countries across the globe… PLEASE PREPARE NOW!
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
Elite Friend,
Either you are not truly part of the Elite or you are playing dumb. You should know exactly what I am referring to. The final Derivitives meltdown triggered by the Elite to collapse all the world’s financial systems to bring in the NWO currency after the turmoil.
Just a guess, but could this be one of the two expected collapses (crash) Lindsey says will take place before described as being worse than bank failures and the US dollar collapse, and perhaps maybe even the reason why he said everyone needs to have everything in place before Jan 1, 2014? Hint: It’s not due to Affordable (non affordable)health care act.
Although you are correct saying the Elite also control China and Russia, they are not the same Elite that also controls our President Osama. Remember, Asia is controlled by a rebellious younger Elite… a “branch off” of the original Elite.
Declaring there will be WW3 after the Crash is just an assumption. We must refrain from projecting our opinions over the facts.
Read Pawns in the Game by the late great author William Guy Carr, you’ll see how they conrol Russia, and the same elite/illuminati do control Russia and China. Lindsey said it and William Guy Carr also explains it in Pawns In the Game and The Red Fog over America
We do not wish to control China or Russia, their Elites were invited to join us to save this World together long ago. We all understand the direness of the situation equally. We the “younger” Elites aren’t rebelling against anyone. We are using technology to help the World’s over population problem as best we can, and convincing our elders that death and destruction is NOT the way to go. We allow people the freedom to filter internet information on their own, and those who “get it” should do well in this transition.
I have a question for you Warrior, why do you believe we will allow a “Crash”? What do you think will “Crash” exactly?
Lindsey, if your reading this… just tell your elite friend to pull it already, a lot of people are greedy up this way and don’t like me, so you can just tell your friend to crash the global economy. I really want it to happen. They’ve created enough debt already, how much more debt do they really need? They don’t need more debt, after the crash, they can just own anything they want, they’re are the elite.
First of all, we are simply bankers and businessmen, not magicians. Putin pulled one on us and is continuing to make a scene, preventing us from carrying out the imminent transition, for now..
Secondly, what “plug” are you talking about? We are trying our best to keep everything in order, preventing YOUR WORLD from falling apart! This makes me angry, has humanity become so weak that we pray for the unthinkable? There is no “plug”! If it’s your wish to dive the world in to chaos you must be a very bad person indeed, because countless people will suffer beyond imagination.
Word of advice, there are plenty of jobs out there, if it doesn’t pay you “enough” then sell your non-productive gold and silver and do something constructive with your life. We’re not giving up the USD until “the world” is ready for the transition. Just the fact that there are still people of your stature that expect a “crash” this time tells you that we’re not ready to let it happen, it just wouldn’t be good business.
Get ready for negative interest rates, you are either with us or you are with “them”, and you already know what happens to “them”. Gold may be the ultimate bubble if we so choose, but we might not let it happen if this resilience continues. If you are struggling this bad now and still not able to realize you need to work for less, I can tell you now this transition and global rebalancing is not going to benefit you.
Please consider my words, I’m only trying to help you. There are too many people relying on the government right now and it’s obviously not sustainable. The best thing you can do for humanity and yourself is not to have children until one day you have accumulated, or is confident you can, enough for the child to have a decent life. Not in your parent’s old world terms, but the real new world terms! Have atleast a, or soon to be, paid off roof over your head or move smaller! Have plans to be able to save enough to get the child through college. When you find yourself pondering about whether to save for a possible child’s fund and payments, or go on that vacation, please think about which is the productive choice.
The derivatives market is the plug on the global economy, wannabe elitist!
After the world finacial system has collapsed, then there will be WW3! Putin is just as conrolled as president Osama. And Lindsey already said that Russia and China are controlled by the same vicious people that control Osama. So you too must save yourself from a potenial pawns in the game draft by the Illuminati!
P.S. I would practice some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (WW3) before it is too late. Illuminati created activision, company that makes Call of Duty video games.
My greatest frustration is in starting a business in this environment.
Do I want to invest my money in starting a business that will surely go bankrupt when this even unfolds? I’d like to build some rental units, however those also will surely be lost when the event unfolds.
I am trying to be productive in my life; investing wisely; I have a great career in engineering and construction, holding off on children as you advised. I feel as though anything productive is going to blow up in my face shortly, rather discouraging.
Aside from working, investing in farming, apartments, or any sort of business usually requires some degree of bank financing, which apparently is a trap at this point.
I feel like an airplane on a holding pattern. While still being productive, ultimately not going anywhere.
Elite Friend
October 19, 2013
There are several things I want you to think about that should help you, sincerely..
There is no “event” or “plug” to speak of, and it’s all been “unfolding” since 2000. The derivatives market exactly was built this way to show the flaws of the general public when given too much “freedom”. By design, to “unwind” was never a choice, the only option has always been to save it until we enact the New System.
A truly skilled worker (in engineering, construction, and especially farming) should be doing well in this transition. Some people in the US unfortunately even after voluntary deindustrialisation still fictitiously believe they are superior. These people, if they don’t fix their mindset will not survive this transition.
You see the way “Tired Of Waiting” is speaking and the way he perceives the world? That is exactly what NOT to do. He sees himself somehow above others and believes he was allowed information that gives him unfair advantages. He also assumes all of us Elites “gang up” in one little faction to hurt the World. This is absolutely absurd and if it was true there would be a lot less people on earth, to say the least. Most of us have tirelessly prevented another World War many times for the good of mankind, and yet it is as if he loathes us for it.
“Obama controls..”, excuse me come again? In fact those believes this shouldn’t even try to look beyond the mainstream media because it will only confuse them more. You see, we make readily available certain truths that are easier to understand, to allow people below a certain “level” of conscious intelligence to be able to live a happy life. This is not “brain washing” as some unknowingly dissatisfied people would argue, it’s simply done to help “condition” an overly needy populous.
Most people feel something is “wrong” but fail to understand it’s always been “wrong”. We are just fascilitating an easier transition to the New System of World Order. This is not a conspiracy theory but a reality. Most people make too much out of what we’re doing and often go off the deep end, but from a more rational standpoint you will see that all the needed information is spelled out in front of you. It’s the anger against “what already is” that blocks people from doing well in this transition.
This is One World whether we like it or not, and we are all in it together. One thing I can say is if you can do your due diligence and get yourself on to “the good side” you’ll definitely prosper in this transition. Otherwise like for “Tired Of Waiting” and the rest of the “Honey Boo Boo’s” in the World, there just aren’t enough resources to sustain “them” anymore..
Long more time yet guys….Loooooooooooooong more time yet. I’m sick and tired of waiting. I don’t have a job and I’m tired of looking for one. Just tell them Lindsey… tell them to pull the damn plug already. As you can tell I am frustrated, Lindsey’s illuminati friend will just keep pushing the date further and further down the road until we are tired of waiting.
My wife and I watched the video and the info is what we expected, based on the promptings I’ve been receiving from the Holy Spirit over the past 10 years. The time lines seem “right there”. The only clarification that I would like Pastor Williams to expand on is when he had mentioned “the event” that would trigger the collapse, he kept stressing a date one year prior to that event. My hypothesis was that his “big date” was when everything was going to go into motion and to have our house in order prior to that. Hopefully he does some radio regarding it, just for some confirmation. Meanwhile, I prefer others watch it and then open things to this discussion.
I’m sure we have quite a bit of time. This is just privy info temporarily. Those of us that have our eyes open are already preparing, theoretically we don’t even need a date… it’s just a comfort thing. This is LW’s source of income. Respect it.
Help me understand this, now in days we have something called “digital distribution”, why sell a dvd and wait until october 15 if this is a matter of life or death or your dinner table? Why is this dvd sold and not uploaded and recieve donations? I mean, “its an emergency”, why should you buy a dvd if its so urgent?
(ED: Pastor Williams has always used Prophecy Club to fulfil orders for his DVDs.)
I watched it. cried wold again. No date is given. Just timeframe; and actually he moved the timeframe out to around end 2014. At this point I think the fed decision to keep the helicopter money dropping to the banks is signalling the same. Though I heard troops being called up for syrian situation; this may be heating up again unreported in media.
But he has given us signs of WHEN the crash will happen. Like currency wars, trade wars, and the final one interest rates. The fed chairman should probably announce a spike in interest rates by end of 2014, which is a long time a way yet.
Hi Cashew,
Anything out of left field or totally unexpected that you learned?
I am sure he will probably do radio interviews with Alex Jones, Mills Crenshaw and Pastor Butch prior to Oct. 15, which is why the request has been made to hold off on uploading to YouTube. I can respect that.
I have to disagree, Limo. According to the author of this website (would like to know his name)LW declared that there would be 2 initial crashes before the final Derivative Crash.
The stock market will not crash until the very end. It will be at this point that gold and silver will rise and rise HUGE. Gold will probably fall to below $1000 by year end if only for a very short period of time and should be taken as a huge opportunity to buy while the stock market keeps rallying.
(Pastor Butch starts talking about Lindsey Williams at the 11:48 mark.)
Pastor Butch Paugh also said that Lindsey told him that China has riots in the streets. If you recall, Lindsey said “Watch China”. China is having serious issues due to the worldwide slowdown in manufacturing. This is going to effect us all because we get most of our products from China!
During Pastor Butch Paugh’s Call to Decision show last night on 09-11-2013 at about twelve minutes into the show he said he spoke with Pastor Lindsey Williams and Lindsey stated that the elite do not anticipate a crash for several months. Get prepared and ready while you can!
Israel is ordering the US to attack Syria.
Russia just check mated the US by threatening to attack Saudi Arabia if they attack Syria.
If Russia attacks Saudi Arabia, the dollar will collapse. Israel now has the choice, crash the dollar and attack Syria, or back off. I doubt they will back off.
The only option they have left is a massive false flag. I cannot see any other way at this point. Something very bad is imminent and I can not say what. The elites are like cornered rats right now, and desperate people do desperate things.
If Russia gets its oil pipelines through Syria to Europe, the power balance will shift in Russia’s favour and the elite will lose their grip on Europe. They cannot allow this to happen. This is an emergency, Russia and China are playing high level chess here.
Obama and Likud loonies are used to playing monopoly. I don’t think they know what to do right now. They could do anything. Scary stuff because they are rapidly losing their grip on the world. If they lose Europe they are in big trouble.
I’ve been hearing that their plan B if the war in Syria isn’t going ahead straight away, that the power grid will go down (13 Nov) and during that time, the Banking System is going to collapse. They’ll bring martial law in pretty quickly after that to control the people. Bank collapse wont be noticed right away due to the chaos created from the power outage. The war on Syria will happen later after a false flag is put in place. Things will get ugly in the US pretty quickly. You can read about this at Dave Hodges – The Commonsense Show.
Well, LW has declared that there will be 2 pre-cursers to the main Crash. I can actually see this coming. There are a few good investors such as Gregory Manarino that are predicting an October stock market crash. The Great Depression began in October. The 2008 crash happened in October. Looks like that might be the first of the 2. We shall see.
The greatest truth never told by Chris Duane on you tube may help you to see things clearer and educating yourself can be empowering. Don’t agree with everything he says but understand the stages I went through.
I have an IDEA, I think will help us ALL prosper, don’t have a job and yet I can see it working if we ALL contribute, what I will do is get a group going for all interested parties where we ALL can discuss away from a political site. it is based on the way the economy already functions but with an important twist that will help everybody
I am American, a Texan even. I’ve thought about and talked with my husband about getting out, but the fact is that everyone near and dear to us is in or near Texas. Not to mention that Texas has a “come and take it” spirit that I dearly hope will help us when the time comes. There’s really no telling how bad it will get for us down here, but this is where all our family is and I believe we will all stick it out together. There’s a gun behind every blade of grass here.
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More time for me to buy food/batteries/ammo/supplies/a generator/etc.!
Little by little!
Stockpile baby… stockpile!
$30.00 a week I invest in all this. Does’nt sound like much but I have accrued quite a bit within the last year!
Elite Friend,
Either you are not truly part of the Elite or you are playing dumb. You should know exactly what I am referring to. The final Derivitives meltdown triggered by the Elite to collapse all the world’s financial systems to bring in the NWO currency after the turmoil.
Just a guess, but could this be one of the two expected collapses (crash) Lindsey says will take place before described as being worse than bank failures and the US dollar collapse, and perhaps maybe even the reason why he said everyone needs to have everything in place before Jan 1, 2014? Hint: It’s not due to Affordable (non affordable)health care act.
Elite Friend,
The “Crash” I am referring to is the Derivitives. And wrapped around that is the world financial system.
So what do you feel happened then in the two previous “Crashes”?
Although you are correct saying the Elite also control China and Russia, they are not the same Elite that also controls our President Osama. Remember, Asia is controlled by a rebellious younger Elite… a “branch off” of the original Elite.
Declaring there will be WW3 after the Crash is just an assumption. We must refrain from projecting our opinions over the facts.
Read Pawns in the Game by the late great author William Guy Carr, you’ll see how they conrol Russia, and the same elite/illuminati do control Russia and China. Lindsey said it and William Guy Carr also explains it in Pawns In the Game and The Red Fog over America
We do not wish to control China or Russia, their Elites were invited to join us to save this World together long ago. We all understand the direness of the situation equally. We the “younger” Elites aren’t rebelling against anyone. We are using technology to help the World’s over population problem as best we can, and convincing our elders that death and destruction is NOT the way to go. We allow people the freedom to filter internet information on their own, and those who “get it” should do well in this transition.
I have a question for you Warrior, why do you believe we will allow a “Crash”? What do you think will “Crash” exactly?
Lindsey, if your reading this… just tell your elite friend to pull it already, a lot of people are greedy up this way and don’t like me, so you can just tell your friend to crash the global economy. I really want it to happen. They’ve created enough debt already, how much more debt do they really need? They don’t need more debt, after the crash, they can just own anything they want, they’re are the elite.
First of all, we are simply bankers and businessmen, not magicians. Putin pulled one on us and is continuing to make a scene, preventing us from carrying out the imminent transition, for now..
Secondly, what “plug” are you talking about? We are trying our best to keep everything in order, preventing YOUR WORLD from falling apart! This makes me angry, has humanity become so weak that we pray for the unthinkable? There is no “plug”! If it’s your wish to dive the world in to chaos you must be a very bad person indeed, because countless people will suffer beyond imagination.
Word of advice, there are plenty of jobs out there, if it doesn’t pay you “enough” then sell your non-productive gold and silver and do something constructive with your life. We’re not giving up the USD until “the world” is ready for the transition. Just the fact that there are still people of your stature that expect a “crash” this time tells you that we’re not ready to let it happen, it just wouldn’t be good business.
Get ready for negative interest rates, you are either with us or you are with “them”, and you already know what happens to “them”. Gold may be the ultimate bubble if we so choose, but we might not let it happen if this resilience continues. If you are struggling this bad now and still not able to realize you need to work for less, I can tell you now this transition and global rebalancing is not going to benefit you.
Please consider my words, I’m only trying to help you. There are too many people relying on the government right now and it’s obviously not sustainable. The best thing you can do for humanity and yourself is not to have children until one day you have accumulated, or is confident you can, enough for the child to have a decent life. Not in your parent’s old world terms, but the real new world terms! Have atleast a, or soon to be, paid off roof over your head or move smaller! Have plans to be able to save enough to get the child through college. When you find yourself pondering about whether to save for a possible child’s fund and payments, or go on that vacation, please think about which is the productive choice.
The derivatives market is the plug on the global economy, wannabe elitist!
After the world finacial system has collapsed, then there will be WW3! Putin is just as conrolled as president Osama. And Lindsey already said that Russia and China are controlled by the same vicious people that control Osama. So you too must save yourself from a potenial pawns in the game draft by the Illuminati!
P.S. I would practice some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (WW3) before it is too late. Illuminati created activision, company that makes Call of Duty video games.
Elite Friend,
My greatest frustration is in starting a business in this environment.
Do I want to invest my money in starting a business that will surely go bankrupt when this even unfolds? I’d like to build some rental units, however those also will surely be lost when the event unfolds.
I am trying to be productive in my life; investing wisely; I have a great career in engineering and construction, holding off on children as you advised. I feel as though anything productive is going to blow up in my face shortly, rather discouraging.
Aside from working, investing in farming, apartments, or any sort of business usually requires some degree of bank financing, which apparently is a trap at this point.
I feel like an airplane on a holding pattern. While still being productive, ultimately not going anywhere.
There are several things I want you to think about that should help you, sincerely..
There is no “event” or “plug” to speak of, and it’s all been “unfolding” since 2000. The derivatives market exactly was built this way to show the flaws of the general public when given too much “freedom”. By design, to “unwind” was never a choice, the only option has always been to save it until we enact the New System.
A truly skilled worker (in engineering, construction, and especially farming) should be doing well in this transition. Some people in the US unfortunately even after voluntary deindustrialisation still fictitiously believe they are superior. These people, if they don’t fix their mindset will not survive this transition.
You see the way “Tired Of Waiting” is speaking and the way he perceives the world? That is exactly what NOT to do. He sees himself somehow above others and believes he was allowed information that gives him unfair advantages. He also assumes all of us Elites “gang up” in one little faction to hurt the World. This is absolutely absurd and if it was true there would be a lot less people on earth, to say the least. Most of us have tirelessly prevented another World War many times for the good of mankind, and yet it is as if he loathes us for it.
“Obama controls..”, excuse me come again? In fact those believes this shouldn’t even try to look beyond the mainstream media because it will only confuse them more. You see, we make readily available certain truths that are easier to understand, to allow people below a certain “level” of conscious intelligence to be able to live a happy life. This is not “brain washing” as some unknowingly dissatisfied people would argue, it’s simply done to help “condition” an overly needy populous.
Most people feel something is “wrong” but fail to understand it’s always been “wrong”. We are just fascilitating an easier transition to the New System of World Order. This is not a conspiracy theory but a reality. Most people make too much out of what we’re doing and often go off the deep end, but from a more rational standpoint you will see that all the needed information is spelled out in front of you. It’s the anger against “what already is” that blocks people from doing well in this transition.
This is One World whether we like it or not, and we are all in it together. One thing I can say is if you can do your due diligence and get yourself on to “the good side” you’ll definitely prosper in this transition. Otherwise like for “Tired Of Waiting” and the rest of the “Honey Boo Boo’s” in the World, there just aren’t enough resources to sustain “them” anymore..
Long more time yet guys….Loooooooooooooong more time yet. I’m sick and tired of waiting. I don’t have a job and I’m tired of looking for one. Just tell them Lindsey… tell them to pull the damn plug already. As you can tell I am frustrated, Lindsey’s illuminati friend will just keep pushing the date further and further down the road until we are tired of waiting.
My wife and I watched the video and the info is what we expected, based on the promptings I’ve been receiving from the Holy Spirit over the past 10 years. The time lines seem “right there”. The only clarification that I would like Pastor Williams to expand on is when he had mentioned “the event” that would trigger the collapse, he kept stressing a date one year prior to that event. My hypothesis was that his “big date” was when everything was going to go into motion and to have our house in order prior to that. Hopefully he does some radio regarding it, just for some confirmation. Meanwhile, I prefer others watch it and then open things to this discussion.
I’m sure we have quite a bit of time. This is just privy info temporarily. Those of us that have our eyes open are already preparing, theoretically we don’t even need a date… it’s just a comfort thing. This is LW’s source of income. Respect it.
Help me understand this, now in days we have something called “digital distribution”, why sell a dvd and wait until october 15 if this is a matter of life or death or your dinner table? Why is this dvd sold and not uploaded and recieve donations? I mean, “its an emergency”, why should you buy a dvd if its so urgent?
(ED: Pastor Williams has always used Prophecy Club to fulfil orders for his DVDs.)
I watched it. cried wold again. No date is given. Just timeframe; and actually he moved the timeframe out to around end 2014. At this point I think the fed decision to keep the helicopter money dropping to the banks is signalling the same. Though I heard troops being called up for syrian situation; this may be heating up again unreported in media.
But he has given us signs of WHEN the crash will happen. Like currency wars, trade wars, and the final one interest rates. The fed chairman should probably announce a spike in interest rates by end of 2014, which is a long time a way yet.
Red Sunset,
Nothing out of left field or totally unexpected. I do respect his request not to upload. I appreciate his info.
Hi Cashew,
Anything out of left field or totally unexpected that you learned?
I am sure he will probably do radio interviews with Alex Jones, Mills Crenshaw and Pastor Butch prior to Oct. 15, which is why the request has been made to hold off on uploading to YouTube. I can respect that.
I am watching the Elite Emergency Data DVD as I type this. He has asked that this DVD not be posted until at least October 15, 2013.
Humanity will be victorious!!!
James Harkin is this site’s creator. Thanks goes out to him with appreciation!
I have to disagree, Limo. According to the author of this website (would like to know his name)LW declared that there would be 2 initial crashes before the final Derivative Crash.
A crash does not necessarily have to be a stock market crash. And based on the current outlook I don’t see a stock market crash in the near future.
The stock market will not crash until the very end. It will be at this point that gold and silver will rise and rise HUGE. Gold will probably fall to below $1000 by year end if only for a very short period of time and should be taken as a huge opportunity to buy while the stock market keeps rallying.
did anyone get the new video? what is the date?
The Call to Decision show archive can be downloaded at the following link;
(Pastor Butch starts talking about Lindsey Williams at the 11:48 mark.)
Pastor Butch Paugh also said that Lindsey told him that China has riots in the streets. If you recall, Lindsey said “Watch China”. China is having serious issues due to the worldwide slowdown in manufacturing. This is going to effect us all because we get most of our products from China!
For your information –
During Pastor Butch Paugh’s Call to Decision show last night on 09-11-2013 at about twelve minutes into the show he said he spoke with Pastor Lindsey Williams and Lindsey stated that the elite do not anticipate a crash for several months. Get prepared and ready while you can!
We are on the cusp of the collapse.
Israel is ordering the US to attack Syria.
Russia just check mated the US by threatening to attack Saudi Arabia if they attack Syria.
If Russia attacks Saudi Arabia, the dollar will collapse. Israel now has the choice, crash the dollar and attack Syria, or back off. I doubt they will back off.
The only option they have left is a massive false flag. I cannot see any other way at this point. Something very bad is imminent and I can not say what. The elites are like cornered rats right now, and desperate people do desperate things.
If Russia gets its oil pipelines through Syria to Europe, the power balance will shift in Russia’s favour and the elite will lose their grip on Europe. They cannot allow this to happen. This is an emergency, Russia and China are playing high level chess here.
Obama and Likud loonies are used to playing monopoly. I don’t think they know what to do right now. They could do anything. Scary stuff because they are rapidly losing their grip on the world. If they lose Europe they are in big trouble.
So does anyone know when the new dvd is suppose to ship? It just says pre order on their page.
I’ve been hearing that their plan B if the war in Syria isn’t going ahead straight away, that the power grid will go down (13 Nov) and during that time, the Banking System is going to collapse. They’ll bring martial law in pretty quickly after that to control the people. Bank collapse wont be noticed right away due to the chaos created from the power outage. The war on Syria will happen later after a false flag is put in place. Things will get ugly in the US pretty quickly. You can read about this at Dave Hodges – The Commonsense Show.
Well, LW has declared that there will be 2 pre-cursers to the main Crash. I can actually see this coming. There are a few good investors such as Gregory Manarino that are predicting an October stock market crash. The Great Depression began in October. The 2008 crash happened in October. Looks like that might be the first of the 2. We shall see.
The greatest truth never told by Chris Duane on you tube may help you to see things clearer and educating yourself can be empowering. Don’t agree with everything he says but understand the stages I went through.
I have an IDEA, I think will help us ALL prosper, don’t have a job and yet I can see it working if we ALL contribute, what I will do is get a group going for all interested parties where we ALL can discuss away from a political site. it is based on the way the economy already functions but with an important twist that will help everybody
I am American, a Texan even. I’ve thought about and talked with my husband about getting out, but the fact is that everyone near and dear to us is in or near Texas. Not to mention that Texas has a “come and take it” spirit that I dearly hope will help us when the time comes. There’s really no telling how bad it will get for us down here, but this is where all our family is and I believe we will all stick it out together. There’s a gun behind every blade of grass here.