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WARNING! Emergency Bulletin from Chaplin Lindsey Williams!


The New World Order Will Be Implemented In September!

The New World Currency Will Be Introduced In October!

We Are At the Brink of Total Worldwide Financial Collapse!


Pastor Lindsey Williams has asked me to compile an emergency bulletin for those on his email list. The information is so important he has said: “This is probably the most important bulletin we have ever sent – This is the fulfilment of everything the Elite have ever wanted to do – It will affect every human being, worldwide – They will implement this over a period of time – The dates have now been officially set for the start of implementation.”

The New World Order Will Be Implemented In September!

Pope Francis - United Nations UN

The Roman Catholic Pope just announced when he speaks at the United Nations on the 25th September 2015 that he will issue an ENCYCLICAL – The definition of an encyclical is – A letter from the Pope sent to all Roman Catholic Bishops throughout the world. Every Roman Catholic is EXPECTED to obey. There are 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world.

According to Pastor Williams this means that when the Pope announces the New World Order in front of the annual gathering of world leaders on September 25th, 2015 at the United Nations just before the signing and implementation of the ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ that the Pope will order every Roman Catholic around the world to obey unconditionally – total obedience – including the acceptance of the Mark of the Beast when it is announced.

In the newsletter Pastor Williams issued in June it speaks about the visit of Pope Francis to the USA and what Holy See (The Vatican) is involved with in the United Nations (Global Government) and sustainable development (Agenda 21). Pastor Williams elaborates in detail in his DVD what this means in his new DVD ‘Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015’.

The New World Currency Will Be Introduced In October!

Christine Lagarde - International Monetary Fund IMF

On October 20th, 2015 the International Monetary Fund will announce a new world currency. The IMF is one of the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world. They monitor the financial health of more than 188 member countries. They establish global money rules and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations.

On October 20th, 2015 the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which will send hundreds of billions of dollars moving around the world, literally overnight.

The author of the most prominent financial newsletter says, “what is about to happen will threaten your way of life whether you own an investment related to it or not. It will change everything about your normal way of life: Where you vacation, where you send your kids or grandkids to school.

We Are At the Brink of Total Worldwide Financial Collapse!

Pastor Williams has shared with me some articles that truly tell you how frightening the global situation is. He said to me “This is getting more hysterical (Dangerous) by the day. If only people knew and believed how close to disaster we are. When this blows up – There has never been anything like it in the history of mankind.” Pastor Williams tried to tell you repeatedly for nearly 40 years!

  • Euro-Zone Financial Armageddon: The combined Greek, Italian, Portugal and Spain euro debt represents $120 trillion of derivative debt aka I.O.U.s between banks and the ECB has no cash or liquidity in the system only derivative debt that compounds every day.
  • The BIS Nightmare That Will Send The World Into Panic: The derivative position of US banks for Q1 2015 has just been published and the reading is more frightening than ever. The top 5 US banks have total a derivative exposure of $247 trillion. This is 3.5 times world GDP. Total derivatives for all banks in the world are just over $600 trillion. But these figures are less than half of the real exposure. A few years ago the BIS in Basel changed the basis of valuation of derivatives to “Value to Maturity.” This basically halved the value of outstanding derivatives overnight. Based on the old and proper valuation, the total outstanding today would probably be at least $1.5 quadrillion. And remember, when a counterparty fails, notional value is the real value that will be lost. It is absolutely guaranteed that this $1.5 quadrillion will implode in the next few years and drag the whole financial system with it. But before that process has finished, central banks worldwide will print a few quadrillion dollars, euros and yen in their desperate attempt. Pastor Williams Wall Street Insider friend said the following about this article “Thanks—good update. You’ve warned about this for years. This is why a “little” event like Greece, or another, could unravel the system.”
  • Citigroup Just Cornered The “Precious Metals” Derivatives Market: Citigroup's Precious Metals (mostly silver now that gold is lumped in with FX), exposure over the past 4 years. Of note: the 1260% increase in Precious Metals derivative holdings in the past quarter, from just $3.9 billion to $53 billion! Soaring from just 17.4% to over 70%, there is just one word for what Citigroup has done to what the Precious Metals (excluding gold) – Cornering! Pastor Williams said “We live in a strange world of rapidly developing events. They are preparing for something big.”
  • News is coming in constantly from around the world as this newsletter was being prepared, check out these headlines: China is banning major pension fund shareholders from selling for six months. 54% of the entire Chinese stock market is frozen. Trading on the NYSE was suspended for a technical glitch with all open orders cancelled. Microsoft fires 7,800 employees. The Australian Dollar has hit a new low. Every day there is more news about the implosion of the global economy. You have to Take Action Now!

The bomb shells about the New World Order and the New Global Currency should give you the motivation to take action and prepare. Pastor Williams has been unveiling the truth behind the Elite plan for humanity and this planet for over 38 years. All of his DVDs will help you understand what is happening. You must prepare for September through December now, before it is too late. It is imperative that you obtain a copy of Pastor Williams' latest DVD ‘Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015‘.

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Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015 – A New DVD From Pastor Lindsey Williams


    • Rob
    • July 31, 2015

    It sure is looking like the UN is the first beast, and the second beast (pope) will be the false prophet. I’m sure most Catholics will not appreciate this observation, but it is what it is, just the way it appears to me at this time.

    • Jeff
    • July 31, 2015

    Mr. Williams is completely wrong about the Pope’s visit in September. This is more of what I call heretic-protestant nonsense. protestants are outside of God’s Church and have always been. Protestantism has always been a heresy. This so-called encyclical that he supposedly is going to present in September is non-binding. An encyclical is just a document written by Popes. It holds no water, if it is contrary to the laws of God’s Church, and he only has One Holy Catholic and Apolstolic Church. Mr. Williams should know that given his association with Father Paul Kramer.

    (ED: I have not heard Pastor Williams mention Father Paul Kramer. Please advise source of your statement.)

      • Jeff Klump
      • July 31, 2015

      ED : I saw Mr. Williams at a seminar with Father Paul Kramer several years ago. It may still be on youtube. Fr. Kramer is an expert in freemasonry in and outside of God’s Church. Mr. Williams should remember the occasion.

      • Jake
      • August 1, 2015

      Lol sigh… i dunno… just want the internet shut down/restrictions to cone into force so we who like the alternative news cant source it anymore online… it’ll stop all this hate and trolling and bitching and “my church is better than your church” stuff.

      Plus we can all go back to being normal like everyone else. All this alternative news aint good for the soul. Better to be asleep. Either way just want it all over now…. pull the trigger already!!

        • jeff
        • August 3, 2015

        Jake, it is not my Church. It is Christ’s Church. He only has One Church. All other religions are false. Sorry pal.

          • Jake
          • August 4, 2015

          Hmmm see you aren’t being clear. You are mixing religion with churches. U say there is one church then instantly say other religuons not churches are false…. apples and oranges. Not clear. Please clarify.Do u mean only one church is real or only one religion is realm if u dont understand what i mean plz tell me and i will try to explaun better.

          • Jeff
          • August 5, 2015

          sorry. I didn’t mean to be confusing. I use the word “Church” and “religion”, to mean the same thing. Christ said to St. Peter, you are rock and on this rock I will build my Church”. History tells us, along with logic & reason, that there is and can only be one Church(religion). These words come directly from the mouth of Christ, while he was here. All other religion’s/church’s are false.The Holy Roman Church is Christ’s Church. There can be no other. There, Mr. Williams cannot be pastor, unless he considers himself a pastor of a false church. Only a Catholic priest can be a pastor. This is where Mr. Williams is speaking out of his *** when it comes to Pope Francis visit in September. An encyclical is a paper document that Popes write and are given to the bishops. Catholics are not required to follow an encyclical. I hope this helps. This hysteria about pope Francis visit in September is silliness.

    • Jake
    • July 31, 2015

    A thought:
    Would living under the NWO really be that bad? Look, I’m just throwing it out there… if they house you in an apartment you never own, so what? You can’t take it with you and if you’re only renting anyway (which I am right now) then what difference does it make? The end of private property doesn’t affect me and millions like me.
    Then, they force you into jobs you don’t really like just to feed yourself…. so what’s different for millions of us in our current jobs?? Not many people like their jobs!! And if you lose it, the state feeds you, what is there to complain about?
    So you get taxed on your car emissions – so what? Use public transport like millions do. In cities most people use public transport even well paid people.
    So USA has to lose guns – so what?? You are one of the only countries left that has guns!! We in the UK don’t even know what its like to hold a gun. If we picked one up we wouldn’t know what to do with it.So you lose your guns – welcome to the real world for the rest of us!
    If the state feeds and houses you… well, what is there to really moan about? If everyone has all the same like in communism, so what? It just stops us all being greedy b*stards, which is a good thing no? In the UK we are obsessed with property. Everyone wants a bigger house and prices are always high in the UK. On tv there are always property shows every day making you jealous about what so other guy has. Its horrible. Best thing for us: lose all private ownership and let the state house us equally. Now we can concentrate on being decent humans again and not “want want want, me me me” people. Money is a horrible thing really. Turns us into bad people. Lose money, all go back to equal dwellings, jobs, status and I think millions more would be happier. A few would moan about losing their nice things but these greedy people have had it too good for too long. Why do you even think you have a “right” to private property anyway? Don’t answer with “God” because the Bible doesn’t say that. If anything it says quite the opposite about material possessions and mortgages (debt).
    So…. any comments welcome. From my own position in life, which is quite poor anyway, the NWO plans don’t seem like too much of a problem. Eroding my right to believe in the Biblical God is a problem, granted. But we’ll still do that anyway and face the consequences. But in day to day living outside of that, you get fed and housed. What’snot to like? Plus you can quit the “rat race” because there’s no private wealth to compete for any more!!!!

      • Bill
      • July 31, 2015

      Spoken like a true progressive ignorant socialist liberal! – and I don’t mean ignorant in a demeaning ‘stupid’ sense; just a lack of understanding what is happening in the big picture. Start with a history of why we would rather die than live under the British empire (and yes I do understand the nature of the US empire that is bearing upon even us). Same reason ‘we’ resist any tyranny. You sound genuine and very nice and I’m not looking to start a text war with you but truly your position of poverty will not be improved by acquiescing to a new world order. And, yes, I will answer “God”. Hint: it’s in the last book.

        • Jake
        • July 31, 2015


        All duly noted, but what has freedom given us, really? An awful society chasing bad values.

      • tsimitpo
      • July 31, 2015

      I sympathize with you, I really do. In my short 56 years in the good ‘ol USA, I have witnessed a complete erosion of a mostly free market and a reality where greater work earned greater reward as moneychangers and lawmakers took full advantage of an increasingly complacent majority who no longer had to work so hard for their comfort and enjoyment.

      As there are seasons of life, there are cycles of geo-political-economic mobility. We’ve reached the part of that cycle where complacency of the satisfied masses has left the door wide open for those who gravitate toward controlling their slaves. In turn, the slaves have actually invited their own slavery.

      In a historical sense, the comforts of slavery are quickly replaced with misery, pain, torment, and death for most before they regain independence at great cost.

      Time will tell how long that cycle continues.

      • RT
      • July 31, 2015

      Would you like living in a world where hitler was in charge?

      It is going to be much much worse with all of the natural disasters, disease, war famine and death of the Bible included. Jesus is the only way out.

      • Marguerite
      • August 2, 2015

      Your thoughts on what the NWO will provide as not being ‘so bad’ and probably ‘better’ from an economic and work standpoint are legitimate and likely accurate. But what you may have missed thinking about is that the NWO won’t allow people to participate living in their set-up unless they take the ‘mark of the beast’. As you know anyone taking the mark will be damned to the fires of hell and I’m sure the Bible says anyone taking the mark will not be forgiven by God for this act so it is quite serious. This is why followers of Christ are in for a ‘hard’ time under the NWO and anti-Christ. Christ said those who endure to the end will be saved.

    • Jorge Bizarro
    • July 30, 2015

    With all respect to Pastor L. Williams, whose work I trust & admire, being Catholic from birth, there is a piece of desinfo on this posting, as follows.
    About Papal:
    1 – infallibility: only works when the Pope makes a magisterial act with a Theologian & Faith doctrinal or moral content. So it doesn’t really apply to worldly matters such as ‘Global Warming’ (a scam? – weather irregularities are due to geophysical & solar activity uncharted and might be caused by the approach of a possible Sun sister brown dwarf star)
    2 – and Catholics are also only morally obliged to abide Papal teachings on issues of Doctrine of the Faith & Morals. This is not the case with the NWO and G.Warming issues. Those are ‘worldly’ opinion subjects. The Pope has his opinion, but it is far from being forced upon all Catholics. It may certainly influence, but it is definitively not abiding. Point!

      • RT
      • July 31, 2015


      That is correct. The Pope does not rule any nation and cannot announce a world order. He can only give his opinion and as Catholics we are not obligated to listen. In order for the Pope to make a statement of infallibility not only does it have to relate to faith and morals, there is a long process that it must go through at the Vatican before it is announced as such. Even if the Pope makes a statement on faith and morals it does not make it infallible. It must go through the process and be approved and it cannot contradict a previous approved view. Catholics please do not blindly follow the Pope.

    • RT
    • July 28, 2015

    So if there is going to be a huge financial collapse this year why is Michael Bloomberg buying a $30 million dollar mansion in London now? He should know what is going on. He is one of the richest men in the world. something does not add up.

    (ED: He has a lot of paper. A house is a physical asset. In London there is a massive property bubble that has already started to collapse. Maybe he purchased the mansion at a lot less than it was originally for sale. It also is not his primary residence. Pastor Williams has already said that the Elite’s main residences are not in cities. Just remember this, everything that is going on is to bring in the NWO. Global government. A World Currency. They will not destroy their game. The Elite will remain in total control during the collapse.)

    • Jake
    • July 26, 2015


    Thanks for your answers. You made me think when you said this not going to be as bad as some think… no Mad Max type thing… you knowwhat? I bet the average person sails through this unharmed because the average person has nothing anyway. People have mortgages and car loans now and will still have them on the other side. And the NWO will be so subtle that the average person wontget it. They’ll laugh and call you mad if you say these are scary things. I grt it now. We who are awake will see the crash, the others wont. I finally get it now. I bet this crash comes and goes with the average guy losing nothing and just getting on with it. A few rich people will kill themselves when they lose all and heads of state with hold some medtings. But Mr Joe Average will go to work with his sandwiches every day, read about the crisis in the paper, think nothing of it and go to bed that night the same. This is my new outlook. I think it will be a big nothing unless you are rich… that aint me. I’m hoping to profit with a bit of silver so I can have a few nice treats on the other side that’s all. I’m not planning on bartering or buying food with silver like the end of the world… when it goes up I’ll sell it and buy some meaningless material things for my life like we all do. Nothing will change I think post crash. I can’t believe anyone I know will lose their jobs or home it’s just too far fetched. Doesn’t happen to people like us, especially in the UK. The US may be screwed, but the UK is pretty boring – nothing happens here. House prices are always up and cost of living is always up. Nothing crashes here. We’re too “British” for all that. PS any idea when silver may rise?

    (ED: Everyone will be affected. The New World Order is a total integration system that the Elite are designing so no country can ever be a sole powerhouse. Every country must rely on other countries. Sustainable and resilient. Global government. This is why corporations and assets are being sold off to other parts of the world. Every asset of a country must be privatised and sold to foreign banks and retirement funds. Therefore, nobody can be self-sufficient. That is why this type of behaviour is becoming increasingly difficult. In the agriculture sector certain fruits and vegetables are being grown in countries that must sell their crops to the global market, that country may not consume them itself. It is happening with all natural resources. We saw that with oil when Pastor Williams’ was chaplain of the Trans-Alaska pipeline, America was not energy independent – that oil would only be sold on the open market at a rate so that it does not destroy the price. If you look at the big picture, everything that is currently happening is to bring in the total integration system, the New World Order is sustainable and resilient. That is why the sustainable development agenda is so important to the NWO. There are no countries, there are just companies. In 1976 the film Network foretold what is happening. The world is a business.)

    • Jake
    • July 24, 2015

    One last question:-
    This has been playing on my mind:-
    Lindsey has said many times in many DVDs and interviews that the FINAL trigger to all this will be an official interest rate rise. When that happens then BANG the whole world goes broke. Ken Frome told him this too. So… is that still the case for sep-dec this year? Is Lindsey saying during sep-dec Yellen will give the official announcement that interest rates are now going back up, crashinf the whole thing?

    If not, then I don’t see how this really is the big one as Lindsey told us many times what the trigger will be. He hasn’t said much lately about this trigger but a couple of years ago he told it over many times.

    So we forget about Greece and China and all that other stuff, right? This is simply all about the Yellen announcement, correct?

    (ED: Pastor Williams’ Elite friends have told him much. Interest rates and China are important. Why do you think documentation was leaked about a potential rate rise closer to the end of the year? Now its out there, it will have less of an effect on the markets. Its all done by design, nothing happens by accident. Don’t be surprised if they announce QE4 instead of a large rate rise. They will do all they can to keep the financial markets together. But, Australia is struggling, Greece is struggling, Spain is struggling, Italy is struggling and China is “the big one”. Pastor Williams’ Elite friend said keep an eye on China and forget everything else.)

      • Jake
      • July 25, 2015

      I’m very confused by your answer.

      If they want to trigger the big one during sep-dec, why would they leak a rate rise document so there’s less of an impact? That’s counter productive no?

      And if they announced QE4 instead then that wouldn’t crash the markets it would support them, no?

      I’m struggling to make sense of what you said. Are u saying they may not cause the big one this year after all?


      (ED: There are many scenarios. There are many different routes the Elite can take to their ultimate goal. A global financial crash in the period between September and December 2015 is likely. Based upon historical dates, blood moons, seven year cycles as well as what the Elite have said. If the Elite get their way there will be a global financial crash in September through December 2015. Based on investigation into the financial markets it is very likely. China is in trouble, Australia is in trouble, Southern European states are in trouble. Retirement fund operators need interest rates increased as soon as possible or they will stop paying retirees. Banks can no longer be declared bankrupt, they can only be bailed-in with customers money, which is now deemed assets of the bank or they can be bought out by a rival bank. Commodities are in trouble. Large investors are dumping paper gold. The Chinese led BRICS bank is about to issue its first loan in Chinese Yuan. The Chinese and Russians are developing their own rival to SWIFT. They are no longer dealing oil in the US dollar. The US dollar as the world reserve currency is over. There will be a new world reserve currency in October. It may even include gold – the most stable currency for over 5,000 years (but that is not certain). Everything is set for implosion. It is how the Elite decide to implement it. As Pastor Williams said, they do not want civil unrest. The right major crisis and humanity will welcome the New World Order. Initiating QE4 whilst increasing interest rates would soften the blow. There will be chaos in the financial markets, but it will be controlled. Order out of chaos. The only people that will lose money will be those who continue to believe that paper is a worthy investment. Do what the banks are doing, do what George Soros is doing, do what Warren Buffett is doing. Get out of risky investments, paper has always been risky. If you want to secure your financial future, buy physical gold and silver – currently the price is so depressed mining and refining companies could scale back production and start storing metal until the price rises. It has happened before. Paper spot price and physical real price is no longer related. I have seen dealers add 25% premium to their silver coins. The price will rise. Get out of debt, debt is the ultimate control. They did away with the ball and chain and made everyone debt slaves. Pay off your mortgage, every month your largest outlay is for repayments on your house. Owning a smaller home with land in the countryside will be better than living in the city where potential civil unrest could occur (as Pastor Williams Elite friend said, they don’t want civil unrest, but they are prepared for it). Also living in the country with land will allow you to grow most if not all of your food. Intensive permaculture principles, something I studied last year to help others can give people enough food and nutrition to avoid many common degenerative diseases, something I have also studied extensively. Buy everything you need, not on credit. Be as self-sufficient as possible. Everything that is listed in the ’10 Steps To Avoid The Crash’ guide is so important to reduce the impact of any financial crash. If you have not done what Pastor Williams has said by September 15th, 2015 … its too late.)

        • jj99
        • July 28, 2015

        Jake, I think you’ve answered yourself. It’s quite doubtful if they know what they are doing… Yes, the interest rates will rise at some point, since there is no other way. It may be possible that the Fed and IMF are playing bad cop, good cop. Fed will lose credibility no matter what they do, so they can raise rates, and IMF try to be more realistic, so they can go with “we told you so” and look more competent.

        But the fact is plain and simple – there are too many parasites in the system. It can’t support them. Everyone, including them, are fighting for their lives. The parasites at some point will eat each other. The dead bankers are probably the top of the iceberg. China/Russia and US are in a financial warfare. They fight also to influence smaller players like Europe, Iran, Saudi. If someone tell you that he can predict who will win, how and wen, I would be highly suspicious. At the end, it doesn’t matter to much, since the winner will be just your new master… And the steps to prepare are the same, and had to be taken yesterday…

      • Mark
      • July 25, 2015

      James. So basically, if there is a QE4 this fall instead of an interest rate increase, there will be no worldwide financial collapse yet for this Sept-Dec 2015? Would that be correct?

      Also, how high could gold/silver prices & interest rates could possibly go up to in the future? Thanks.

      (ED: QE4 is just a rumour that makes sense. They announced by supposed accident, it was no accident, that there are interest rate rises coming. That will upset financial markets now, but less so when it is officially announced because people already know it is on its way. QE4 may happen if it gets out of hand, as I said this didn’t come from an Elite source but a trusted financial adviser of mine. They have initiated quantitative easing during the last financial crash in 2008, historically they would do the same. That will just devalue the dollar even more and the Fed will control more bad debt, more mortgage debt as has been predicted by Pastor Williams’ Elite friends in the past. The Elite do not want to destroy the US financial system. They just want to remove the US as the sole world reserve currency. Devaluing it by printing will do that. The world no longer feels the US dollar is as secure as it was. They will do just enough to make other countries ask for a new world currency. They do not want things out of control. Remember that. They don’t want a Mad Max style reality. Its all planned, its all prepared. It just needs the right major crisis. A number of flash crashes or a sudden crash, anything to make the world use the new currency. It will not be as bad as some people are predicting. They don’t want civil unrest, but they are prepared for it. They are hoping for a smooth transition. I am interested in what they mean by ‘divine intervention’ because that could throw a spanner into the mix. I am interested in the next stage of global governance via the United Nations in September 2015. I am also interested in what Pope Francis means by a jubilee for 2016. We will see some interesting things happen in the latter part of the year. Just understand that the planet is controlled by psychopaths. If something happens that people deem good, just remember psychopaths control it. They will not allow the people to become free. It is not in their interest. It is in their interest to continue to enslave and control humanity and sustainable development does continue this agenda. They always give in one hand and take away that little bit more with the other.)

    • Jake
    • July 24, 2015

    Another question: Lindsey puts an end-times Biblical view on all these things but is that from his elite friends too or is he just giving his opinion on the events? Eg: does his friend just say X Y Z will happen and then Lindsey thinks “ahhh sounds like something in the Bible” or does his elite contact say specifically “look, this is heralding in the last days, prophecy fulfilment etc” as if the elites are fully ok with their role in that? Hope the question makes sense. Trying to determine if the Biblical aspect is Lindsey’s interpretation (perhaps wish too) or whether “they” know this is the last days era and are actively pushing that way. Thanks.

    (ED: You will have to ask Pastor Williams about Bible Prophecy.)

    • Marguerite
    • July 24, 2015

    James, would you have any idea when gold/silver prices will likely move upwards? Do you think an upward movement will occur during this Sep-Dec? Pastor has mentioned gold will go to $3,000 an oz and silver $75/oz. Do you think the information which Pastor received still stands? Harry Dent stated gold will reach $5,000 in 10 years!

    (ED: I am not allowed to talk specifics. Let me just say, buy gold and silver now because it will not remain at these prices for long. I also think scarcity will play a major factor. If the price goes lower then its institutions getting out of paper gold that is causing it. We will see major premiums over and above spot price. We are already seeing silver have a 25% premium. Remember, it’s more valuable to hold the metal than a piece of paper during financial instability.)

      • Marguerite
      • July 24, 2015

      Thanks for what you did or can say James.

    • Jake
    • July 23, 2015


    Do you think many more articles from Lindsey will be coming out before the 15th Sep? It’s getting very close and I know Lindsey often waits a few weeks between articles. I just feel there must be a little more today yet, considering this is supposed to be the big one that has been planned for decades and is to finally bring in the NWO. If indeed this is the same thing as what the Bible talks of in Revelation… if we are truly on the cusp of the events before Jesus returns… I just feel something more needs to be said to prepare us. Like, the article above states in Sep will come the NWO…. that’s like “wow”, right?! Please expand!

    (ED: There will be more articles from Pastor Williams. Also, there are so many topics I can cover based on what is happening: Announcements that the stock market is totally manipulated (the bank fraud is only the tip of the iceberg). Australia’s economy has completely faltered. China is buying gold because they know what’s coming and dumping US bonds (I am thinking they are preparing for interest rate rises at the end of the year and probably don’t want to hold bonds at current low yields – we will see retirement companies do the same – this won’t help the global economy). I’ve got information on gold that I cannot share, let me just say regardless of what happens – don’t sell gold – buy it!)

      • Jake
      • July 24, 2015

      Thanks James… I presume by gold you also mean silver too? I’m pretty convinced silver is the better bet.

    • curtsee
    • July 23, 2015

    I came to the same NWO light timing as Lindsey but from a different text in the Gideon story. Which was blow the trumpets(warning)at the beginning of the watch at the change of guard(Judges 7:19)Our Congressman have been safeguarding our Constitutional religious freedoms for over 200 years but on March 13, 2014 Head of Congress John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi invited Pope to address Congress which is a change of their guard that will be implemented Sep 24th when the Pope speaks here.Have we forgot why of our forefathers came to America…The feeble colonies grew to a confederation of powerful states, and the world marked with wonder the peace and prosperity of “a church without a pope, and a state without a king.” {GC ch Pilgrim Fathers pg 155}They fled from oppressions from Monarchs and or Popes. Religious liberty is coming to an end 42 months after Popes visit which starts mark of beast when USA unites church and state(SUNDAY LAW)

    • Magnus
    • July 17, 2015

    Here is a well written article on the coming Shemitah collapse. Long but worth the read.

    • Jun tan
    • July 16, 2015

    Hi ,

    Are all these things pastor williams have made known to us exactly ” ALL” the elite had told him? Or are there still things only pastor is privy too and the public where not allowed to have access too? During the currency reset did pastor williams ever mentioned any currency that would go up or revalue? I heard frm stan johnson of the prophecy club about the iraqi dinar revaluing in this reset. Does pastor williams and stan have the same source?

      • Jake
      • July 16, 2015

      Clearly he knows things he cannot say until he is allowed to say. This is ok as what he says is a great help and I think he generally is allowed to say most things when time rolls on. If he new about this sep-dec timeframe, say, last year then he would not have said it back then for a reason…. but then when it is nearer he can say. That’s just a fictional example I gave there.

      The currency reset is a mess due to the Ukraine war that stopped it happening. It’ll likely still happen but as part of the solution to the epic crash. Dinar? Best off forgetting paper money and getting silver while it is stupidly cheap. That bird will fly high I think.

      Also, anyone see that comment from Mr Janet Yellen saying she wants interest rates to go up by end of year…. ?? Wow!! Right on time!! Lindsey said it’ll be the hike in rates that sets off the crash. Now the Fed are saying yes it’ll be the end of this year. So… could this be “it”?

    • Jake
    • July 15, 2015

    Jade Helm Day 1: all quiet on the western front…

    • RT
    • July 13, 2015

    Does anybody know if they will be introducing the 10 division NWO in September out of which the ani- Christ will arise?

    Revelation 17:12

    And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    • Jun tan
    • July 13, 2015

    Hi james,

    Ive been following pastor williams since 2009 , followed his advice tOo. I can say he is accuRate. But during the past few years i can say ” the events are accurate ” but the timing were off. Many that didnt happen is just now slowly unfolding. Thats why to those maligning pastor williams i can just say events lately will just humble them and prove that pastor williams was right. Thats why i would tell others when pastor williams would say some events is to ” get the principle ” cause timing may delay. With this said i still have some questions….

    1. The currency reset he mentioned is almost two years off … Is that reset still in the books? Is the new world currency the reset he is referring to?

    2. These events thats been mentioned in this emergency bulletin is there a possibility that the timing be off?

    Thanks … Wish to know whats your thoughts? Or maybe pastor williams can answer this thanks.

    (ED: It is true that dates can sometimes be changed. I personally have been told about events that have taken several years or taken several stages to be implemented over a longer period of time. However, these events have taken place. Pastor Williams gets information directly from his Elite friends. He then notifies us well in advance. As Pastor Williams has said time and again, if the Elite get what they want, we will see special events scheduled for September through December 2015. Prepare yourself and you will have little to fear.)

    • Rob
    • July 12, 2015

    I have a question. Lately Lindsey has been talking about a global economic collapse occurring sometime between Sept. and Dec. He also mentioned the unveiling of a new global currency in Oct. My question is, whatever happened to the global currency reset that he mentioned before these things? Has the global currency reset been scrapped altogether, or does it still tie into their plans somehow???

    Thanks so much.

    (ED: There has been little information related to the Global Currency Reset. However, the IMF rarely make statements without moving forward with them. I will ask Pastor Williams to ask his Elite friends if the Global Currency Reset will be still going ahead.)

    • srk
    • July 11, 2015

    Check out the movie, four days in September.

    (ED: I am not familiar with this movie, please elaborate.)

      • srk
      • July 11, 2015

      Let us not forget. The UN is supposed to declare Palestine a world free nation, September,15th 2015, the same day Jade Helm, goes live, in Houston,Texas. War drums beating.

    • Sam
    • July 9, 2015

    I appreciate the heads up as much as anyone but, the news as of late is really bitter as we will suffer. There can be no getting around that. I pray we all make it thru and endure in faith to the sweet other side in God’s plan of promised salvation. God Bless everyone.

    • Marguerite
    • July 9, 2015

    Anyone with a mortgage during the collapse, Alex Jones and Harry Dent suggested the banks may restructure the mortgage bringing down the rate and perhaps the loan amount. Harry believes real estate values throughout the world are going to drop dramatically. He has sold all his real estate assets. Harry also says China is the one to watch. This interview aired on Infowars today and starts at 1:29:00 for anyone interested in listening to the whole discussion:

      • Jake
      • July 9, 2015

      I dont think the banks are going to do any favours during collapse. Why would they restructure in your favour when Lindsey told us the Elite want you to lose it and rent it back. I don’t think mortgage holdersare going to get anything nice in this collapse; the Elite are coming for your home under Agenda 21.

      • penny
      • July 10, 2015

      James is this bulletin in addition to (the original prepare for Sept)or another recent update from the elite friend to take it seriously and get things together , its coming?

      (ED: It is in addition. Nothing has changed other than more information coming out that is pointing towards events scheduled for between September and December 2015. Do not let the Greek bailout approval dissuade you from preparing for the financial collapse. There are a lot of different ways the collapse can occur and the Greek crisis was only a small part. Pay particular attention to interest rates, retirement companies and especially China.)

    • Jake
    • July 9, 2015

    Oh well, looks like I won’t see 40 after all. I’m mid-30’s and this is gonna kill many of us within a few years surely. At this point I’m not that sad about it anyway. Who wants to live in a NWO anyhow. Come on then you Elites, you may as well finish the job and put meout of my misery….

      • Marguerite
      • July 9, 2015

      The tribulation will be 7 years with the anti-Christ reigning only 3.5 years. Then the Almighty Lord returns. This Bible prophecy seems to suggest the NWO will be in full force for a period of only 3.5 years, difficult as it’s likely to be. The Bible prophecy next in line to occur is a war killing 1/3 of humanity. From Revelations it’s likely to be in the Middle East, ref. verse on Euphrates River.

        • Jake
        • July 9, 2015

        Maybe I’ll move to the Euphrates then, get this over with!

        Something better happen soon, and I mean “big”.

        Life is boring and also this planet is awful. Most humans are awful too. Things are far gone now. I need something to happen. Make it a big one, whatever it is! I’m counting down the days to mid-Sept!!

          • Marguerite
          • July 9, 2015

          You could consider Australia!

          An excerpt from the Australian government’s website:

          “The global economy is starting to recover as major economies continue to strengthen and India and China continue to grow.

          The lower Australian dollar, combined with free trade agreements with the important export markets of China, Korea and Japan, will open opportunities for Australian exporters. The agreements with these three countries are worth more than $6 billion in tariff reductions.”

          The government’s statements obviously mislead but I wonder whether different regions in the world will fare (survive) differently.

        • Rob
        • July 12, 2015

        Hi Marguerite,
        Yes, the beast will reign during the final 42 months and the mark will be implemented sometime in that space, which I believe will be at the very end or the final hour when the ten kings are reigning with the beast. We know that cash will be long gone by then, but I don’t believe the mark of the beast can be the new global currency. There will be very hard times in between. Rev. 6 says they will sell a quart of wheat for a penny, or 3 quarts of barley for a penny. Those translations make it wheat and barley seem very cheap, but I highly doubt that too. I think one translation said it was a denarius (Roman money), not a penny. I’ve read that a denarius was a days wage for the common man in the Roman Empire. This makes the wheat and barley very expensive, and I believe that the elite will use this to their advantage. I can imagine that people would hate that so much that many will be begging for a better system. That’s when they will introduce the mark. I believe the wise should be using the time we have left to prepare, so they will not have to beg when everything starts hitting the fan.

          • Creed
          • July 13, 2015

          Do you listen to Irving Baxter on He teaches either the 6th trumpet war is next or the peace treaty with Isreal is next. He also teaches the great tribulation is 42 months and Revelations does not go in Chronological order.

          Have you heard of Red Russia and Red China. The color red represents socialism and communism.
          Check out the back of your dollar bill, you will see balances on the back, a symbol for trade and barter, ergo the same as the black horse.

          In Zech (same chapter as Rev.) 6, you see four horses with chariots. These vs equate the horses/chariots as spirits that roam the earth. Therefore, the horses in revelations are also spirits, the red one is spirit of communism, the black spirit of capitalism. same holds true for the white and ‘chloros’ horses of revelation.

          • Marguerite
          • July 13, 2015

          My current feeling is to commence storing food for 3.5 years which seems to be the crucial period for the mark being enforced as you say. Hopefully you’re right and it won’t be till the final hour which shortens the period of difficulty. Also food storage will help when the high prices you refer to arrive.

          Yes I listen to Irvin Baxter and at the moment resonate with his interpretation of Bible verses. I’m starting to read the Bible more thoroughly so I can assimilate what it’s saying to have my own understanding when listening to the interpretations offered by others. The mark of beast and NWO are real triggers which alert the Lord’s second coming is close. These are undisputed pieces of evidence right before our eyes. Derek Prince another great Bible teacher explained Babylon will rise again during the end days and some of its features were witchcraft and homosexuality. A European male politician recently married his male lover and this was widely publicized. Then the new gay marriage laws in the U.S.

          Alex Jones made an intriguing comment a few days ago. He wondered whether the globalists/elite are following Bible passages to actualize the prophecies. What his comment implied to me is the unfoldment of prophecies we’re seeing could all be fabrications which then can mean the Lord’s second coming isn’t close. I’m currently contemplating this comment further. Personally I’m wanting the Lord to return soon. If anyone has a thought around Alex’s comment, please share it.

          • JCH
          • July 21, 2015


          3.5 years is a long time to try & keep starving people from taking your stored food. I hope you are also preparing to protect yourself & your stored food from the roving gangs.

    • Carlos
    • July 8, 2015

    Psalms 6:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

    • James
    • July 8, 2015

    Jesus is the way truth and the life!!! Now is the TIME to give up to self and Sin!!!! Give your hearts to Christ TODAY as you see there is coming a time where there is NO TOMORROW!!! God Bless This is an exciting time to be a Member of Christ’s Heart and full of His saving Blood that He shed for all of Humanity!!!! READ THE WORD GIVEN TO YOU TODAY!!!!

    • Marguerite
    • July 8, 2015

    Here it comes OMG !

    The Pope and his order is astounding. Another strike for the alternative media who’ve been suggesting this Pope is a false prophet.

    Good to know about October. Whatever the reserve is going to be hopefully precious metals will see a person through. Those who don’t have them – hopefully governments have a plan to support them since the they say the elite don’t want riots.

    How is a person going to survive if they don’t want the mark of the beast? This is an impetus to keep breaking free of the system and store/grow food supplies as James keeps promoting.

    The start of the battle is commencing shortly. As the Lord said “but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Mark 13:13)

    Pastor thank you for this emergency bulletin.

    James thank you for all you do in disseminating the information and having this site and blog.

    God bless you both and everyone else too.


      • srk
      • July 11, 2015

      Marguerite, you may have to re think about your ideals about the so called Pope. Don’t be shocked when you find out there’s been a coup, the real Pope has been put into exile, retired, some one else has taken his place. Please, Don’t be fooled.

        • Marguerite
        • July 13, 2015

        I’ve been seeing aspects of the Catholic Church which has me at a distance and questioning what it’s doing.

      • JCH
      • July 21, 2015

      The government support will come by way of FEMA camps with all inclusive genocide, the Elite want population reduction.

    • JohnS
    • July 8, 2015

    Thank You for your updates. I followed Jim Sinclair advise and GOTS… Get Out Of The System.
    God Bless You and all of my brothers and sisters of the world, who have nothing to do with the psychopathic control freaks who have gained controlled over all of us PEOPLE who make up HUMANITY.
    Jesus Christ is my Lord….. noone else, not even the man walking around in a fancy bathrobe who calls himself “pope”.


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