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Coronavirus Update from Pastor Lindsey Williams

Hi, this is James Harkin, webmaster and editor at I sent a message to Pastor Williams on Tuesday asking if he knew anything about the coronavirus as many of you had messaged me to see if he knew anything.

Lindsey Williams - Energy Non-Crisis Available From Amazon Kindle
Pastor Lindsey Williams – The Energy Non-Crisis (Available from Amazon Kindle)

Pastor Williams asked me to quote him:

“The coronavirus is not a virus = It is a world-wide financial panic.”

He also said ‘This is an agenda. The Elite are taking advantage of the virus to accomplish what they want to do. Americans are acting as though they have lost their minds. In Arizona, there are only 44 confirmed cases of the virus but the state is virtually shut down. Restaurants, Schools, Theaters, Churches, and Government Offices, etc. all closed down.’

Arizona is home to over 7 million Americans. Percentage-wise the number of people with the coronavirus is 0.00065% of the population.

Pastor Williams also told me that he is surviving quite well because he has been preparing for this type of event for years.

I trust you have taken the advice of Pastor Williams over the years and prepared for this type of event.
He also offered some advice for you:

“Keep your calm and a level head. Stress will kill a person.”

I am sorry I had not completed the new book ‘Avoid Any Crash’, the update to my free 2013 book 10 Steps to Avoid the Crash, before this crisis began. It is nearly complete and since what is happening now will happen again it will be a valuable addition to your preparedness in the future.

When Pastor Williams has more updates I will let you know.


James Harkin
Editor & Webmaster
On behalf of and

P.S. I hope the information I sent in my email of February 24th, 2020 was of use to you with regards to what has been happening and is continue to happen in the financial markets.

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[UPDATED] Lindsey Williams – Important Update! Trump and the Economy


    • Wayne
    • August 8, 2020

    Why has Lindsey Williams forsaken us?? We need information on what is going to happen with the Elite’s plan.

    • Matteo
    • August 5, 2020

    Any news from Lindsey Williams? Are the elites’ revised plans from 2017 still in play? What is happening with the oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska?

    • Joe
    • August 5, 2020

    Kindly give an update please. It has been a very long time since.

    Thank you!

    • Ann Dunkley
    • May 15, 2020

    Am so confused, now trump wants to use military to deploy vaccines, where 500 million prefilled syringes are ready for use! What happened to natural cures….

    • srk
    • April 13, 2020

    No, as Pastor Williams said there are far more worst things than a crash. The USD and other Wurld fiat currency has been and will be on life support until the PTWTB pull the plug. As foretold, the PTWTB are way ahead of the gain. Way, way, ahead of the gain. But, obviously someone in the World has a copy of the playbook. For PTWTB to panic is a show of weakness and as WORLD citizens we need to dig and respond. If they, not the true GOD of the universe, held, truly held, the entire Wurld in their hands, why oh why, the pan, panic, pandemic?
    GOD does not panic.
    Yet those in so called in power do?
    Gives US a break. Gives US a brake.
    Time for a kit kat bar.

    • srk
    • April 13, 2020

    Q KEY: Why panic if they have checkmate? Apparently not all moves toward capture have been made. Dig. Then counter. You have more than you know. We all have more than we know. Engage.
    God bless each of the WORLD.

    • Ann Dunkley
    • April 11, 2020

    Hi James
    Any idea when this lockdown will be over?

      • James Harkin
      • April 11, 2020

      Thank you for your question, Ann. As Pastor Williams has said, this is not a virus it’s a worldwide financial panic. The lockdown will remain in effect for the time being. For example here in the UK, we’ve been under lockdown for almost 3 weeks (On Monday it will be 3 weeks) and I know for a fact with evidence the way they brought the lockdown in was spun to make it the publics fault. Media and government working together to shut down the UK. But I digress, the government is looking at the numbers to see if cases and deaths are increasing or decreasing. When they have seen the numbers they will determine the course of action they want to take to start opening up the economy. I believe the way things are at present for the UK at least it will be the beginning of May. The government has to weigh up the cost of civil unrest if they keep the UK locked down for an extended period especially if supply chains begin to fail. I am not concerned with the virus I am concerned with the fallout from the closure of the planet’s economy. What new laws are they going to enforce? What new taxes are they going to introduce to reclaim the bailout money? When the dust has settled the finger-pointing will begin, this is worrying in itself, will there be war? Next year is another Shemitah year and a time of potential debt forgiveness. I am currently writing another article based upon what I’ve written here. Some of which I sent to Pastor Williams in an email for his thoughts. This will be ready soon, it’s a lot of data to compile and share and I delve back into topics I’ve spoken about in years past especially about the UN, Global Government, RFID chips and the new ‘Shut-In Economy’ they are touting will become the norm.

    • Tony
    • April 9, 2020

    James, who exactlyare the Elites that Mr. Williams is always referring to? Are they Bilderbergers, members of CFR, Illuminati or who?

    Best Regards,

      • James Harkin
      • April 11, 2020

      Hi Tony, Pastor Williams’ Elite friends are retired executives of oil companies, his closest friend Ken Fromm passed away a number of years ago. However, he still has contact with several. But, at this time they are not responding to his messages.

    • Dave
    • April 4, 2020


    Question for Pastor Williams:

    1) Financial panic to weaken Trump’s Presidential re-election?

    Or 2) Crash brought forward, Elite’s impatient to sit out a potential 2nd Trump term?


    • srk
    • March 26, 2020


    • srk
    • March 23, 2020

    World? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? YOU hold the keys to the Kingdom in your hands.

    • Clay
    • March 21, 2020

    Bible says Christians are the head not the tail yet this pastor does what these evil guys tell him to do. Seems like the pastor is under their control and not God’s. Just sayin. Pastor needs to address to us why this CV Crash contradicts what he said about no crash as long as Trump’s in Office. Pastor Williams needs to do some radio shows as he hasn’t done one in years! PW also said dollar would die 2012. We’re 2020 and no dead dollar.

    • Al
    • March 20, 2020

    Thanks for the update on COVID-19. I have also believed that circumstances around the COVID-19 global pandemic look suspect. At very least, there are questions that need to be answered. We have a sickness which is not much different than existing sicknesses, yet the economy is in lockdown. It is stated by experts that the sickness is unknown. But there is no scientific basis for this. Instead it looks like another SARS epidemic. Draconian actions are being taken. Although there is some loss of life as there is in any sickness, potential for heavy and oppressive economic damage to each nation is high. Globalization interdependencies appear to be, not strength, but weakness.

    • Lee
    • March 20, 2020

    I thought he said no crash as long Trump is in office.

      • Mike
      • March 21, 2020

      Maybe there is difference between ‘financial panic’ (mini crash), and actual full blown crash.
      Furthermore, perhaps the Elites are inpatient and the likely loss of their weak democratic candidate like Joe Biden to Trump, is forcing their hand to bring forward their planned crash much sooner than originally planned.

      • Mike
      • March 21, 2020

      Using the Coronavirus pandemic issue as cover excuse for the financial panic.

    • Dave
    • March 20, 2020

    I am a bit confused, not panicked. I thought the Elites were not going to crash the financial system while Trump is President, since they need him to do various post crash things which he clearly refuses to do.

    • Mike
    • March 20, 2020

    Hi James,
    Is this ‘the financial crash’ Pastor Williams has been describing will take place after President Trump is no longer US President?


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