New DVD From Lindsey Williams
Available for shipment now!*
[testimonial] [tentry image=”” name=”Pastor Lindsey Williams” company=”Author of The Energy Non-Crisis”]
- What will take place after October 1, 2016?
- Will Donald Trump be the next president?
- If he wins, will Trump be allowed to take office?
- Elite Divine Encounter.
- Two currencies – One devalued?
- Big trouble among the Elite.
- The date of the CRASH!
- The most encouraging DVD From Pastor Williams to date.
- Hear congressmen Ron Paul and David Stockman.[/tentry] [/testimonial]
The New DVD From
Pastor Lindsey Williams
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Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
Pastor Lindsey Williams – At Bio Care Hospital – Getting Over COVID
This is part 11 of a series of 12 informative videos on how to cope with all the damage COVID brings. Where Pastor Lindsey Williams interviews Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD, founder of BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center. Call BioCare Now: 1-800-262-0212 Website: International BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center Pastor Lindsey Williams Hi, this is Lindsey Williams. […]
Silver Stackers Warning:
Elite Royals Want to Break your Habit – Charles Savoie
“Silver history expert Charles Savoie, who’s acknowledged by David Morgan, is here to discuss potential confiscation by 2017 of gold & silver and the who, what when where and why of the manipulation and conspiracy to suppress real money from the public.”
02:30 Would Government Nationalize and Steal Precious Metals?
13:00 When and Why would they Confiscate? What Prices?
19:20 Removal of Silver as money Started Collapse of China
28:00 Potential Tax on Silver Investments
30:00 2016 Election, Trump to bring US back to Britain
34:30 What’s Going on in Texas: Gold not Available
38:00 Get Research from Charles on Silver
Get more from Charles Savoie:
Does Lindsey Williams have any thoughts on the date of September 27th being tied to the dollar collapse? This date is being floated around all over the web as a collapse date for the dollar. I know the Chinese Yuan is being added to the SDR basket somewhere around that date, but that alone wouldn’t collapse the dollar.
This makes an interesting read. Written back in the late 1800’s
Especially pg 76 – Exactly what Lindsey was saying!
US to lose more control over the global finance via blockchain technology: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-24/four-more-mega-banks-join-anti-dollar-alliance
wow, thanks for this amazing news
Bette is a Z3news.com contributor…
“The Banks are CLOSED!”
Arrows shot to the middle of America and America crumbles. The internet has been sabotaged.
my thoughts:
Bette, thank you for this word. Obama is handing over control of the internet on 1 Oct. Also on 1 Oct the Chinese RMB becomes part of the IMF’s SDR currency. Could the “arrows” be an EMP? An EMP would lead to a breakdown of society within hours and ideal placement would be dead-center of the USA.
Greg Hunter’s Weekly News Update: https://youtu.be/69yoXMAwl4w
Ça commence à devenir flippant pour 2016 un soldat de l’armée américaine. Parle qu’eux ( les Illuminatis) vont introduire la loi martiale pour 2016.( guerre civile )
Ça j’ai pas un bon traducteur anglais- français sur mon ordi. Je crois aussi qu’il a parlé qu’ils vont probablement commencer à édifier le nouvel ordre mondial pour fin 2016.
Bon plusieurs ont parlés qu’au USA il n’y aura pas d’élection à cause de loi martiale et Obama ca prolonger son mandat.
UNA va devenir réalité pour janvier 2017 – UNA : Union Nord Américaine.
Certain parle d’une attaque EMP avant les élections USA.
Donc en résumer guerre civile , loi martiale Big One financier , UNA
3 eme guerre mondiale pour le printemps 2017.
It starts getting scary for 2016 a soldier in the US Army. Speaks they ( the Illuminati ) will introduce martial law for 2016 ( civil war )
That I have not a good English- French translator on my computer. I also think he said they’ll probably start building the new world order for the end of 2016 .
Good many have spoken at USA there will be no election because of martial law and Obama ca extend his term .
UNA will become reality for January 2017 – UNA : North American Union.
Some speak of an EMP attack before the US election.
So to summarize civil war, martial law financial Big One, UNA
3rd world war for Spring 2017
Interesting video on Derivatives and Bail-Ins: http://usawatchdog.com/financial-crash-will-be-put-on-little-people-ellen-brown/
Icahn mentions that the only reason things have not gone south is because the USD is the world reserve currency, but who knows for how much longer: