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My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

Lindsey Williams

My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

I can keep quiet no longer. I must tell everything. As our readers know – I have been quiet for nine months. I cannot stand by and watch certain things happen in 2015 and not tell you in advance.

Watch the web site and I will post bulletins as I decide how to tell what I have been briefed on.

2015 will be the most eventful year you and I have ever lived.

Everyone must understand the following –

  • Cycles of seven.
  • Elite riot control.
  • Blood Moons.
  • Where the Elite Hospital is. (YOU WILL NEED IT)

How much time do we have?

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Elite Instituting Drastic Measures Immediately…


    • Globetrotter
    • June 23, 2014

    2 cycles of seven years one of abundance and the next of poverty, They started in september 2001. Count 14 years until arriving the last blood moon which is sept 28 2015 and you get a very important date. The collapse will happen in sept 2015. By the way this is only a remake of the book of Genesis and The history of Joseph. One year before the termination of the seven years of famine in Egypt they sold everything to eat even themselves as a slaves, I believe this will happen again, Egypt is now the US, but it´s the same story.

      • Joki
      • June 27, 2014

      I think collapse will happen before. Last of september 2015 – big sign for “jews”. 7-years agreement (signed by Putin)….

    • mike
    • June 23, 2014

    ALERT! UK Drops U.S. Dollar Rate, Seizing On China’s Yuan Push!

    London Takes Lead Seizing on China’s Yuan Push as Trading Starts

    • Dammy
    • June 23, 2014

    Guess this was suppose to have been completed in 2012, but looks like Elite’s plans for the Middle East just went operational again:

    • jerry
    • June 23, 2014

    I think he knows we know all of that. Get off his case.

    • James
    • June 23, 2014

    No offence, but why all the religious stuff? it makes this info seem uncredible. This will detract people from waking up and actually listening, too much emotional dialogue… just speak the facts.

      • singwin
      • June 23, 2014

      I agree with you. I just skip those comments completly. I bet lots of readers do the same. They have the rigth to say what they want to say, although.

  1. Reply

    We have just warned everyone that we possibly can via THE NEWS UNIT dot COM and are standing by for additional information as needed. Please pray for us also as we disseminate this very critical information to everyone across not only the United States of America but throughout the entire world. This is indeed a very evil day that is upon us…developing…

    • Al
    • June 22, 2014

    Dear Larry!
    “Why aren’t “they” warning people to the reality of our times as Noah warned those before the flood?”
    They do and people react the same as in the times of Noah- they laugh and make fun of them.

    “There is no money in it.”
    That might be true for the math. Church or charismatic movement and so on, but there are people warning without making money out of it. Take for example Prophet Efrain Rodriguez.

    “Do you think God is going to let disobedient mankind ruin the work that he declared to be “very good” at the end of the sixth creative day? ”
    Yes. He is stating this in Revelation that his creation almost will be destroyed. He will make a new earth….

    Therefore we shall collect assets in heaven and not on earth. We shall prepare for a life in heaven after this suffering on earth. Thats what the gospel is all about. Jesus said that lots of his followers will die because of his name.

      • Ming
      • June 28, 2014

      Thanks for the heads-up!

    • o
    • June 22, 2014

    we still waiting on the “immediately” expansion. The open borders, the false flag shootings, the weather manipulation, the war drums; maybe that is what he meant. Would love to hear more here.

    • Larry
    • June 22, 2014

    Most people who post here claim to be Christian. Lindsey Williams presents himself as a minister of the “good news.” What is the “good news? Is it that Jesus died for our sins? That is good news for a certainty; but is that the good news Jesus preached or wanted his followers to preach? The answer to those questions is found at Luke 4:43 and Matthew 24:14. The good news is that the kingdom of God in the hands of Christ Jesus will soon eliminate (in harmony with Daniel 2:44) all the human governments on this earth. Mankind has been allowed, for a time determined by God, to rule the earth. They have proven beyond doubt that they cannot rule this planet beneficially. Why aren’t “Christians” preaching this message as commanded at Matthew 28:18-20?” Why aren’t “they” warning people to the reality of our times as Noah warned those before the flood? I can give you the answer in six short words. There is no money in it.

    Mankind has in reality reached the point described in Rev 11:18 of having brought the earth to the brink of ruination. A little longer and the earth will no longer be habitable. Do you think God is going to let disobedient mankind ruin the work that he declared to be “very good” at the end of the sixth creative day? Do think that his spoken purpose to fill the earth with the offspring of Adam and Eve will go null and void in view of Isaiah 55:10, 11?

    The only preparation work that will be of lasting benefit prior to the end of this system of things comes from demonstrating to our Creator that we are willing to submit our will to His rulership in harmony with Matthew 6:10.

    • dan
    • June 22, 2014


      • Euhill
      • June 22, 2014

      Truth be told, that is how God has helped me most of the time. God doesn’t always help you out in spectacular ways. It also doesn’t mean that he won’t either. You have to learn to recognize when God is helping you out. In my case I have had a bunch of ordinary events occur in a series that is beneficial to me that would appear to have been luck. If you see something like this, it is God helping you out.

        • Euhill
        • June 22, 2014

        Sorry I replied to the wrong person. This was a reply to Mark’s comment.

    • Jake
    • June 22, 2014

    Actually, changing the subject a little bit (because it has started to turn a little sour at the thought of helping poor people :p), I spoke with another Christian about the whole “get prepared” thing to get their take on it, and he was REALLY stern against “getting prepared” for anything, saying it was unfaithful to the Lord and going directly against the words of Jesus (eg: Matthew 6:19 about not storing up on earth and Matthew 6:31-33 about the pagans always worrying about what to eat tomorrow but we shouldn’t).

    The whole conversation threw me back somewhat as he was really tough about it and put me down a few pegs about the whole thing, saying I should not be talking like that.

    I started to question whether all the Christians who move in these circles (like the LW fans) were being unfaithful if they were “getting prepared” in terms of finances, food etc?

    Genuine question as it affects me too as a believer. It nearly made me turn my back on following after this kind of info as Jesus’ words do seem to cast a doubt over the whole “be prepared” idea. But then again, maybe not? Hard to decipher. Well, it is for me.

    It’s a touchy subject with many Christians you try to wake up. They seem to just say “oh I trust in the Lord so I am not bothered”. Seems it’s a divisive issue.

    Any thoughts anyone?

      • Mark
      • June 22, 2014

      A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately.

      A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.”

      The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”

      As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.”

      The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”

      The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.

      A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, “Grab my hand and I will pull you up!” But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!”

      Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned.

      When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”

      And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”

      God has given you a warning and a lifeboat(food, shelter, medicine, silver), be thankful, PREPARE! Send this story to your friends.

        • johns
        • June 23, 2014

        Excellent ! To test yourself before a crisis, go sit in the middle of a field with your hands held up and open and ask God for food and water…. and see what happens.
        What most don’t understand is the fact that God gave us all a mind to think, feet to walk, hands to sow, and a mouth to speak, ears to hear, and eyes to see.
        Utilize the gifts God gave you to take care of yourself.
        He has much greater things to care for.
        God Bless all of you, utilize your talents He has given, and make Him happy.

      • LaMont
      • June 22, 2014

      Go to Proverbs where God said to consider the ant. That pretty much destroys the “it’s against Jesus to prepare” lunacy. Also God has from the very beginning sent prophets to warn the people of impending trouble so prepare yourself ok. Even if you don’t think you will need it maybe somebody around you that didn’t prepare might need some help. Also we are not in the End Days but the “End Times”. There are dozens of Scriptures that have yet to be fulfilled before we can be in the Last Days. In Matthew Jesus said of the wars, rumors of wars, mens hearts failing them for fear of what’s coming on the earth … that ” the end will NOT yet come” We still have a massive harvest of souls to gather and the Gospel hasn’t been preached to ALL corners of the earth yet either. I didn’t intend for this to be a sermon. Just trying to shine some light into the darkness. We are not helpless in these troubling times though what’s coming will be one for the history books indeed. Blessings 🙂

      • Euhill
      • June 22, 2014

      This Christen has been listening to the lies of the elite as that is what they want. They don’t want us to prepare for trouble. They sneak this message in quite a few places. Some of Robert Heinlein and Larry Niven’s sci-fi works have this message in it. Usually in the form that it is bad tostockpile food in order to get through bad times.

      Jesus made it quite plain what happens to those who don’t prepare for hard times. The women and the oil lamps is a good one for instance. Even the Bible makes it clear that we should prepare for hard times.

      Anyway Jake, you should have told this Christen that he was just like the foolish women who had not made the proper preparations with their lamps and missed out on the bridegroom as a result.

      • Occasnl Trvlr
      • June 22, 2014

      What’d Joseph do? Seems he was following God’s directing. Kind of a “duh” question.

      One day there was a very religious man whose town began to flood, and the water just kept rising. He prayed and prayed for God to spare him from the flooding. About the time the streets were a few feet deep in water, a neighbor came by in a bass boat, offering to take the man off of his porch. He refused the offer, insisting that God would save him.
      The water kept rising, until the man was hanging out an upper window, when a rescue team came by in a raft. He refused, insisting God would save him.
      The water wouldn’t quit, and kept rising, until the man was trapped on the roof of his house. A National Guard helicopter spotted him, and lowered a lifeline. He refused, insisting that God would save him.
      Well, the flood kept coming, the man was swept off of his roof, and drowned in the floodwaters.
      He went to Heaven, and asked God, “I had faith and prayed diligently, why didn’t You save me?”
      God replied, “I tried to save you three times, you just weren’t smart enough to accept the help.”

        • Occasnl Trvlr
        • June 22, 2014

        Sorry, Mark, you did a much better job, didn’t see it before I posted!

      • Toni
      • June 22, 2014

      Jake, The Lord does say something to the effect of not storing up things, but he also says look at the signs, don’t live above your means, use whatever he gives you correctly you may be called upon to help someone later.

      • Goldfinger
      • June 23, 2014

      What would have happened to Noah if he knew the flood was coming but did nothing except trust God to get him through it? He would have been disobedient to God’s instructions to prepare and probably would not have survived.

      Ask your friend what he would have done had he been living in Germany in the 1930’s when the Nazis seized power and he had a good idea what they were up to. Would he flee Europe and live or say, “I’ll do nothing and trust God to get me through it”?

      • george
      • June 26, 2014

      I have found that the best policy for me, moving forward, is to keep my plans to myself. I am willing to practice charity in the future as needed, but in actuality, a Christian can put his family’s life in danger by opening his home to charitable endeavors in bad times. Does this make sense? Each person will have to decide.
      As far a saying that a Christian should just have faith, and put nothing aside for hard times?? If you want to be dumb, you better be tough.
      Each person does what they think is right. I choose not to judge anyone, and I think I’ll keep my mouth shut when everything goes south. And I don’t think I have long to wait.

    • Jake
    • June 22, 2014

    Yes and straight after that He said “and you can do good to them whenever you want” (Mark 14:7)

    Also, Deut 15:11 – you shall always have poor in the land so open your hands wide to them to help them.

    Most westerners living well these days do not open their hands to the poor at all. Chucking a coin into a paper cup in the street a few times a year isn’t really opening hands wide, although to some people even that’s too much effort.

    Not sure what you were getting at with that quote Jerry but thanks for saying it all the same. I don’t know if you were saying “don’t bother helping the poor as they will always be around” or what, but clearly the rule of “love thy neighbour” fits in here.

    Again I do feel I need to re-state: if the wealth transfer goes to the elites then that is evil and I am opposed, but if it goes to help the poorest of the nations who haven’t even got clean water, that is fair. As long as, of course, we still keep clean running water too as there is no point making a new group of people have clean water at the death and destruction of another group. But if we can all share that clean water, now that’s good. What we can sacrifice along the way is a new flat screen TV and a second car to achieve this.

    I do not know which way it’ll go. I’m hearing two different stories. LW is saying it’s all going to the elites, many others are saying it will go to humanity. Again, if elites, then no way, that is wrong. If humanity, then ok, that is gonna make a fairer world. Do you really need that $400 Apple gadget to make your life happy? Seeing people relieved at getting clean water for the first time in their village would make me happier than a “made in a sweat shop” Apple phone ever could.

    Of course, if it’s going into Agenda 21 after all then I take the other position and say “yikes, this is terrible”. We will have to see who wins – the good guys or the bad. All I am saying is the world should be and could be a lot fairer all round but the human condition makes us all evil and selfish and not willing to let go of that material stuff we have built up over the years. All of us. People wont like giving it up, but IF (there’s that word again) it goes towards the big jubilee I am hoping for to help the poor then great. IF (there’s that word again) it goes towards the elites, Agenda 21, etc then obviously no I am dead opposed to that.

    MRD: “high-minded and lofty comments…?”!! I suppose then that you have a few material things at stake here too in this coming transition huh? I know, I know. Nobody want’s to lose their nice little lives. I can see it in the couple of comments so far that are against what I wrote, and doubtless there will be plenty of others over the next few days/weeks on here.

      • MRD
      • June 22, 2014

      Jake, my 1900 sq.ft. home with some acreage and two 2003 cars are bought and paid for. I gave my horses to friends. I am in a wheelchair living on disability and my wife’s school system income, but I am very wealthy with what I have.
      What I have is a loving wife, two children grown, couple of dogs and MY property. Not yours or anyone elses to mess with.
      The Bible and Jesus talk of helping the poor and being generous to them. We do the best we can with that.
      But the scriptures don’t say a word about redistribution of wealth according to man’s standards of wealth.
      Only God can give and take away. Ask Job.
      Come quickly Lord Jesus.

      • kat
      • June 22, 2014

      “Again, before getting all annoyed at my comments just because you stand to lose lots of your (probably undeserved) wealth…”

      “Most westerners living well these days do not open their hands to the poor at all.”

      I will save the space and not quote all of your ridiculously judgmental and envious statements. You know nothing of the majority of western Christians and yet you paint with a broad brush. Undeserved wealth? Really? For the last 30 years of our marriage my husband has worked on average 65-70 hrs. per week at a very physically demanding job in order to support our family.

      Your beef should be with the tptb that has caused the poverty in other nations as well as this country. Many of us have lived within our means,and given to the church and the poor. None of us wish to see anyone suffer and live in poverty but to bash those with more as being undeserving is uncalled for.

      The bible says God causes the rain to fall on the just and unjust.

        • Jake
        • June 22, 2014


        My beef is with tptb. Problem is society has grown very cancerous as a result of having too much in the west. Yes there are always exceptions to any statement, but basically all i can see around here is selfish nasty people and money money money. Some people really do deserve whats coming. The hope is they end up repenting after losing material stuff. I hope you come through it ok.

        1. Doesn’t a great deal of our US income tax go to the poor in the form of welfare? I don’t believe any people on earth pay the poor more then the US does. Or you in another country?

    • jerry
    • June 22, 2014

    Jesus said ‘the poor you have always”.

      • MRD
      • June 22, 2014

      Thank you, Jerry. Some of these comments were getting awful high-minded and lofty with other’s livelihood and redistribution of a man’s earned income.

    • Mikel
    • June 21, 2014

    James please ask Lindsey Williams about the Global Currency Reset. Is it still going to happen?

    (ED: When everyone is on board, it will happen. Lots of deals have to happen, any ‘country’ not yet committed is looking for special benefits in order to sign up to it. Ultimately a lot of people involved want to get their ducks in a row, so they don’t lose out. Its politics, its a long term agenda and always has been. If the Elite fail to get what they want now, you can count on it happening over a longer period.)

      • Mark
      • June 21, 2014

      It’s really happening, but on it’s own time table. They’re setting up Yuan swap facilities in Europe. The Ukraine aid was in SDR’s. The huge Russia/China Gas deal that does not use dollars. And that’s just a few signs to point Lindsey’s source gave accurate info about the event, just not the exact timing. Be thankful for the extra time to get ready. Say a prayer cause this is going to cause great suffering for many.

        • Jake
        • June 22, 2014

        …..or it will help a lot of poor nations who live in ways that we westerners could never imagine. To level the playing field is fair no matter which way you spin it.

        I know too many people who are doing very well without a thought to the sufferers of the world. It is fair and godly I feel for the shake up to happen and these middle class to give up their selfish wealth to help the poverty nations. You can’t really justify nice big houses and luxuries when people who work harder than you struggle to get enough rice to feed their families in some poverty nation. Face it, this levelling is warranted. I watch spoilt people, even young people, driving around in nice new cars, selfish consumers buying stuff they don’t need, people in nice houses who don’t want anybody to be around their street because “we just want to be alone”, we have rich neighbourhoods in the city putting spikes in the ground so beggars can’t sleep or sit in their places, we have arrogant nasty greedy people all over the west. All have become very deserving of this, me included. You cannot justify your two cars and your nice garden and your ipads when so many around the world are starving. May the great levelling begin….

          • rolly
          • June 22, 2014

          The great levelling lmao… I’m so glad the U.N. Agenda 21 economic equity is being supported by some very very smart people on this forum. Ever seen movie called “Hunger Games”? U.N. Agenda 21 equity means everybody is poor, broke, and miserable equally, just like in any other communist society. It means there is a very small elite group or about 0.01% that has everything in the world and the rest of the people are poor, miserable workers who are very equal in their pain. The present system you are referring to is called corporatism or fascism, where world bank and mega corporations suppresses these poor countries for the benefit of population control and reducing their numbers, which is also part of Agenda 21 sustainable development. Global reset will be a step further into this very same Agenda 21 lol it’s funny how you don’t put the two together. It’s so cute that you actually thought that it was the free markets, and America’s middle class fault that and that they own something to those people lol. The levelling you want is reinforcing what you oppose and taking it 500 miles farther. I’m sorry man but you are a big fool.

          (ED: Pastor Williams and I have discussed Agenda 21 in conjunction with the GCR and other topics relevant to deep geo-politics. Those that don’t take a big picture look at all the agendas will find themselves lacking vital information. Ultimately whatever agenda thrown at humanity, the information provided by Pastor Williams and myself would see you survive, even thrive through any major event. Those that fail to prepare are giving their power to the Elite and will remain in their servitude. Its time for the American people to take back their power and start living as sovereign beings once more.)

          • Jake
          • June 22, 2014

          Notice my words carefully. If it HELPS the poor people of the world, then it is good. If it only goes into the pockets of the elite, then no, of course I don’t support it, of course it isn’t godly, of course it is bad, of course I renounce it.

          But remember: LW is not the only source of info on this GCR by a long shot, and many other sources of info are pointing to the bad guys LOSING right now, and there being lots of money ready to be handed out in PPs etc which will HELP the poor nations rise up. If the “GCR” is actually a release of PPs etc to poor nations then yes this is a good thing. They need flushing toilets like you and I.

          Again, before getting all annoyed at my comments just because you stand to lose lots of your (probably undeserved) wealth, READ my words carefully because I didn’t say things I didn’t say.

          I want the poor people of the world helped out to come to a level we are blessed with. If we have to give up cr*ppy ipads and high speed broadband and laptops and flat screen TV’s (which are all enslavement tools anyway) to achieve that then good so be it. It would probably do us a favour, actually, in the long run. Gotta lose your boat, oh rich American middle class man? Gotta lose your swimming pool? Gotta lose your nice big spacious house with detached garage? OH BOO HOO! My heart bleeds! Get over it. Reality check, most of the world will never know what it is like to own a boat… or a car. Or even enough food!!!! You’ll be ok in the future in a modest size apartment with a moped to get to work and tins of food from the supermarket to eat. You’ll still do ok in life this way. Nobody ever said you deserve anything in this life.

          Remember, I say these things from the angle of “the poor will be raised up”. If instead the money is stolen by the elites, then no, of course I am against it and I will take the opposite opinion. Stands to reason. I am not for theft to the rich, but redistribution of wealth to the poor.

          Furthermore, the big hope is that this levelling will WAKE EVERYONE UP who just cannot be reached otherwise (let’s be honest, most people we know cannot be reached any other way) so that when they finally do wake up they may repent and go seek the Lord and turn their destiny around. All the Bible stories reflect this. People become too sinful and greedy etc and they are levelled. They are then expected to go back to the Lord. It will cause an awakening and people will put everything back into perspective. But again, I hope for the POOR to experience material blessing.

          Again, remember, LW’s info is not the only info out there about what is going on. From many accounts, many good people are fighting hard to overturn the bad guys and get funds released to help humanity and they are making progress. In fact, many people believe the bad guys are in their last chapter now. Interesting twist on LW’s viewpoint, huh? I’m trying to take multiple information and build the picture.

          I don’t want Agenda 21 to win! Who does??! I have a family to think about too. But I want a jubilee and fairness all over the globe for the poorest of people. If that means forcing the rich middle class guy to downsize his home, so be it. He’ll still be ok, and he may regain some of his humanity in the process. If it means the money goes up to the elites as theft, then no, I rebuke it completely.

          Hope this clears things up now.

          • Al
          • June 22, 2014

          Just my two cents…
          I don’t think that we will experience to live in a world, where the rich people give up there wealth and give it to the poor. That doesn’t mean that rich people don’t donate, which they do. But there is a spirit in this world and among the Elite, which isn’t the spirit of Jesus.

          We will experience a New Age, a New World Order, which will promise a better life for all of us. But I am sick of these false promises! The spirit which leads these people is the same and uses the downfall of the economic system, the Dollar collapse and so on as Excuse to implement a better system, which promise to be fair for society. It’s a lie!

          If people would follow the two commandments of Jesus, there would be no wealthy, rich people who donate. There would be a society that would love their neighbor and the LORD Jesus. As long as we as society run after money and after enjoying life, we are on the wide path. The narrow path, which leads to Christ is a totally different way of living. Nobody educates us people in school, university or even at home to follow that narrow path. It seems to be more important to achieve a degree as doctor or engineer to gain a good income to fulfill our desires.

          We have been indoctrinated to learn, get a good job, earn money, buy a house/auto/boot and consume as the ultimate goal of life. We have to save money and pay to a retirement fund that we can enjoy our retirement after working for 45 years.

          This spirit behind that will not change society to a more righteousness and fair future. The reset has to be done, because of an immanent system failure in the monetary system- it has to happen. The governments are prepared for riots and will be not very helpful to serve the poor. They see us as enemies to their system and I wouldn’t expect much support by them. Keep your mouth shut and follow the rules- then you might live.

          Don’t be fooled by people that promise a rosy future. GOD will not intervene and built a flesh-desired system we all dream of. The old system and the spirit behind it needs to be destroyed, before something righteous can be implemented.

          Jesus was not a wealthy person with loads of money in his pockets, which he spread under the poor. He had nothing but his holy spirit and was willing to help others. His direction was to educate people about the Holy Spirit. He gave even his life to fulfill the law and die instead of us for our sins. That’s a total contrary life-style compared to the one, which was taught us for decades.

          Don’t get me wrong- I am not a holy person. I am not even close to this kind of spirit, but deep in my heart I have at least realized this. And I believe that many others have made the same observations and feel similar.

          However we are under a really bad influence here on earth and it seems to be almost impossible to implement and heaven on earth. But we can do something. We can start to help each other in our family, community or our village. That will make a difference for others.

          • Mark
          • June 22, 2014

          The Global Currency Reset is just the first step of a really evil plan. Remember eventually they are going to blow up the quadrillion in derivatives and destroy everything financial. I would also point out the world is being set up for a US vs Russia/China WWIII. They will use the war to eradicate other religions including Christianity, and institute the global reign of Lucifer.

          They want to depopulate the earth to 500 million people.

          Then enslave anyone who is left in it.

          So this is it, the final battle between good and evil.
          I mean do you really think the people at the top who have been doing so much evil, are going to suddenly stop once they get everything they want? I mean their greed and lust for power knows no bounds. Who’s side do you want to be on?

          • Jake
          • June 22, 2014


          I know the side I am on when it comes to satan. I’m on the Lord Jesus’ side. I do not support the theft of wealth to the elites or poor, I support the gcr of currencies if it means downtrodden poor people get a chance to be on our level of quality of life. If this gcr really leads to an end times antichrist rising satanic situation then no of course I stand against it and stand with the Lord. But like I said, I dont just follow LW. There seems to be many many many more complexities to this than just what LW has been told, hence why the 90 day prediction failed. Seems like this reset is a long way off yet according to some credible voices. Plus it seems like the elite are stumbling and crumbling accordung to some. Arrests and murders seem to be happening if you look closely. They may not actually pull off the whole plan properly. Plus we dont know for sure this is the end times yet, we just think it is. The antichrist may not be due for 1,000 years yet! No man knows the hour. Yes the signs are building up but we may ne nowhere near yet. Orhe could rise in 2015! We just dont know. Many people have predicted such things for 2,000 years and got it wrong. Maybe the crash will come (which is natural for such a manipulated market), thena gcr whereby poor nations benefit in their currency, then we go into a new cycle of prosperity, the elites are gradually beaten and the antichrist comes hundreds of years from now. Or, maybe we get thrown into darkness next year and the mark of the beast comes in adter all! I just dont know. If i offended anyone, especially any Christians, please accept my apologies and I dont want to talk about my opinions on the gcr anymore. We’ll all have to wait and see.

          • Marguerite
          • June 22, 2014

          I believe in people having the right to be free to live their lives as they wish (without any harm others of course) whether it’s living in a large house all alone, or otherwise. For the ‘alone’ bit I think this is a by-product of our stressful world where we are bombarded with negativity almost in every direction. We all need peace and quiet to rejuvenate, and wanting to be alone is a way to do that. I find once people have rested, they return to being kind, happy and generous.

          Regarding the third world countries and the poverty, I don’t believe their state of existence is the fault of citizens in the west. Given good leadership anywhere in the world, every problem can be solved.

          Having a ‘level playing field’ isn’t dynamic or interesting.

          Honesty and being ethical would be key ingredients for a great society. The idea of a mass shake-up sounds good to me but in the hope the end result will bring these traits to a whole new societal structure.

          I don’t know how it would work for those who made preparations and come through OK on the other side of the crash. I wonder whether the elite (without a capital ‘E’) would try to corral them into the ‘herd’ or would they ‘leave them alone’?

          I personally feel the elite won’t be successful in taking control of the world after the crash. I’m not a U.S. citizen but my inner sense says there’s only one people on the face of the Earth that has the power and strength to rescue the rest of the planet from the hands of tyrants. As Obi Wan Kenobi says “use the Force” citizens of the U.S.A. (I constantly send a prayer for U.S. citizens – to me they don’t deserve what the Fed/Congress is doing to their country, albeit the rest of the world is in the boat too but those countries’ populations don’t appear to be doing as much as far as I know).

          BTW I’m not being patronizing of the U.S., it’s about looking at the facts, i.e. it’s not U.S. citizens but the conspiracies in govt and beyond

          Thank you Chaplain
          Thank you James

          • Occasnl Trvlr
          • June 22, 2014

          So…consuming a grossly disproportionate share of the world’s energy and resources, made possible by exporting inflation through fiat currency, and thereby raising food prices throughout the world, in order to allow “living in large houses all alone”, doesn’t do harm?

          • Marguerite
          • June 22, 2014

          From what’s being revealed through the Pastor, the elite are at the cause of food prices, fiat currency, even the U.S.’s use of world resources. Whenever the U.S. had a truthful president who could lead people down a good path, the elite got rid of him (the world cried when John Kennedy was killed – people sensed he wanted to do good).

          The ‘big house’ syndrome was born decades ago and I think stemmed from the U.S.’s traits of being creative, free and expansive, not from being greedy/materialistic or selfish. Back then none of the populace was conscious or made aware of finite resources and world leaderships have never acted to resolve poverty in third world countries.

          If the crash shakes out excesses, that’s good. But I still like a society where an individual is free to create a ‘big house’ if he/she wants to.

          • Karen
          • June 25, 2014

          There is not a limited amount of wealth. The middle class is not hoarding it. DUH! People are not living in huts and starving because the middle class in this country is taking too much. DUH! DUH! DUH!

          • Larry
          • June 30, 2014

          To all of you that sound like Karen, if you are one of those “middle class” people that “earns” between $14,000 and $250,000 per year……YOU are taking too much and causing people to starve! Tell your boss you want less pay with a 50% cut in salary! DUH! DUH! DUH!

          Do you think smart people should make more income than someone with little or no skills? Karen thinks we should all paid the same no matter what. Sounds like what Obummer wants us ALL to do. I just can’t wait to get some of that money you earned.

          • Larry
          • June 30, 2014

          Karen, I apologize for my comment. I totally missread your statement. I had read so many others that are blind in their thinking and the junk they profess make me sick.

          Karen, you are correct in your statement! Thanks.

          • george
          • June 26, 2014

          At this point in time, many people are saying the same thing. And the timing of events seems to be mostly in question. Lindseys’ info has been right on the money for the most part. But once you know the things to watch for, it’s not that hard to see these events lining up to happen. But it’s nice to have a heads up.

        • jj99
        • June 22, 2014

        You are getting this wrong, the Russia/China Gas deal will not be in SDR. What is happening, is just the collapse of badly designed western financial system. Some guys thinking themselves for very clever *hope* that they can crash the whole world financial system (not just the west), and put a new badly designed financial system on it’s place in order to control EVERYBODY. They will definitely succeed crashing the west, it doesn’t need much brain to do that. So this part of what the pastor any MANY OTHERS have said is true, no question there. US will be probably sacrificed in this game. The sad question is – for what? I guess, absolutely nothing. Most likely the core “elite group” has nothing to do with US, and didn’t care too much for the consequences. I.e. think London, Israel. There are no US leaders to think for US any more. The destruction of the financial system is not really under their control, they can only delay it. And the price was selling gold to Asia, creating even more financial destruction instead of allowing the free market to resolve the issues by itself. There is no way back any more. We will have some sort of “great leveling”, Asia will raise, but most likely on its own, not like a puppet state like the west hopes. We will see, it all depends on if BRICS are able to not be financially destroyed 2014/2015. By the way, this is probably one of the reasons why China keeps very tight control over its currency, and its gold. Would China learn that “it can’t eat gold”, or the west will learn, that it can’t eat paper? With so many delayed predictions, who knows how big the battle behind the scenes is. The only positive thing is that we don’t have WW3… at least yet. Also, even if the game is so complicated, and we don’t know what exactly is happening, the final result will be pretty much the same. The only difference is how they will divide the globe between themselves and which part of the world will have better potential to recover and prosper. West may fall into another dark ages, probably many businesses and qualified personal will continue to flow to Asia. Who know, maybe China will be the new US.

  2. Reply

    “V” the Guerrilla Economist tweeted an urgent message late Friday night, June 20. Quote:

    @theroguemoney: “Watch Sunday Asian Market open.”

    That means tonight if you’re live on the West Coast, Pacific Time Zone, around 10PM.

      • Jake
      • June 21, 2014

      Soooo…. what does “watch”? What am I watching for on the Asian open? I never understand when people say watch this or that. I can watch it all day long but for what? If it is a huge thing then everyone will see it so you wont need to watch it, but if it is a small thing you need to watch for then it is probably insignificant. I’ll watch, but I dont know what for.

        • Ming
        • June 21, 2014

        Hi Jake,

        Hopefully NOT something told by this guy –


        1. You did see the Cristian LeGarg piece where she talks of 7 and 14 and the year 2014 Well someone who understands Nosology Thinks the date is 2014-7-20 that is a Sunday. would be a good day to close the banks. Maybe make the global currency reset. You have to talk to the beast to know for sure and he is fond of lying. I think number may be 20 & 21.

      • Singwin
      • June 21, 2014

      Asian markets are closed on Sunday. Now is 10:11 am Sunday morning. No market right now. It should be Asia Monday morning which is your Sunday night around 9:00 pm.

      • Y Diddy
      • June 22, 2014

      The Asian market is open. I don’t see anything exciting happening. This ‘V’ is just another clown regurgitating what a bunch of other people are saying. There is nothing new there.

      • singwin
      • June 22, 2014

      Thanks for sharing the information from “V” but nothing special on Asian market open. I guess July 15 will be just like today.

        • Al
        • June 23, 2014

        V clarified his message. We shall watch the dumping of Dollar. Don’t know where to look at…. 😉

      • Dan The Man
      • June 22, 2014

      GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia stocks up on buoyant Wall St, oil near highs

    • Mike
    • June 21, 2014

    Thank you pastor Williams, God is with you and with all those who seek him. We will prepare accordingly and hopefully we can stand together and not allow ourselves to be divided.

    • Euhill
    • June 21, 2014

    With these troubling times, you all should ask God for help to get through this. Since 2010 Satan’s worldly system has consistently failed me. I have become unemployed, got trapped in two credit card traps, and in 2011 almost got trapped in medical debt that I was able to escape from.

    With God’s help and direction I have been able to stay afloat financially. In 2011 I dislocated my shoulder and almost had to go to the hospital as the fire department could not help me to get it relocated. The fire fighters had told me that the system was no longer allowing for them to do it anymore and that I would have to go to the emergency room. I didn’t say a whole lot to the fire fighters about it. I did however place the blame on Satan for the fire fighters inability to help me. Right after I had blamed Satan, some things began to happen that allowed me to avoid going to the emergency room. God had stepped in and started the process to get my shoulder reset right there on the spot. I ended up inadvertantly finishing the process that God had started.

    As for the credit card debt, one of them had caught up to me and I ended up being sued over it. I asked God for diection, help and advice on how to proceed to deal with the lawsuit just before I went to bed. Just before I woke up, I heared a voice saying in legalese, “If the venue is correct…..” The voice trailed off before finishing. I have interpreted the message as “If you owe the debt, you should pay it.” God has also caused some things to line up to allow me to settle this debt out of court. I am now in the process of getting the debt settlement rolling. If God is allowing, he will help me to take care of the other credit card debt as well.

    Just ask God for help and see what he can do for you. God and Christ will not let you down the way Satan and his worldly system has done.

    • Euhill
    • June 21, 2014

    Have you all noticed the oil prices lately?

    They are going up again.

    • Jake
    • June 21, 2014

    Thank you Pastor. Hoping your source is accurate and hoping the info is useful to us to help us protect ourselves somewhat.

    We all wait eagerly…

    • john
    • June 21, 2014

    I hope the elite aren’t leading the Pastor and those of us following his messages on a wild goose chase

      • joshua
      • June 24, 2014

      Agreed. Didnt we hear this same kind of build up for Mar 4? And July 1 & 15,then 2012? – the end of all things?? We all know that Iraq has been slated to be broken up into 3,as are most of the states in the region. All to benefit Israel.

    • MRD
    • June 21, 2014

    Thank you Pastor Williams. We look forward to the information as most of us are prepared. Trust in God and believe in Jesus. Amen

    • Gary
    • June 21, 2014

    It’s good and evil. These guys are Evil with a capital E. More power to you Paster Williams, keep fighting the good fight.

    • Chris Sheffield
    • June 21, 2014

    Be smart about it and pass the information to a few confidential sources, and or lawyers, wiki leaks to take the presure and risk off you. Those of us who are awake understand how fast things are moving.

    • Al
    • June 21, 2014

    That’s good news, Pastor Williams. Thank you for sharing! we are all keen to hear what you will reveal to us…

    • bigZ
    • June 21, 2014

    We are waiting for it. 🙂

      • James J. Lombardo
      • June 22, 2014

      I am glad to finally here from you personally. I hope and pray all is well with your family. Please inform us as soon as possible…


      Jim L.

        • bigZ
        • June 24, 2014

        Sorry Jim but I guess I’m using the same nick as your friend. I am from the far far Hungary. I hop you will meet the real bigZ :).

      • infowarrior220
      • June 26, 2014

      another wild goose chase guys!!!!

      • Joe Smith
      • July 13, 2014

      There is a 95% probability that the dollar will disintegrate in purchasing power by April 10, 2019. I calculated this without regard to Lindsey Williams interviews. But what I discovered mathematically in all probability has also been discovered by the elites too. Thus they must essentially ‘engineer’ or pre-plan the inevitable collapse so that it occurs as they want it to happen versus having an uncontrolled economic dollar collapse. Using only data from the Federal Reserve, OMB and the CBO along with research from Allan Greenspan I was able to derive a seventh level polynomial differential equation that explains the loss of purchasing power. The dollar has basically lost about .98% or slightly less than 1% of its value each year on average since the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The dollar has lost 98% of its value since 1913 or 98/101 (years)-hence the .98% number per annum. What throws people off is that this loss of value was not on a straight line basis for various explainable reasons. One must derive a ‘best fitting’ line to the irregular data curve which requires an advanced data program. The main point is that the largest driver of this fairly constant depreciation or loss of purchasing power, is the the federal deficit per other equations I derived. Anyways, based on the average of a .98% loss of purchasing power per year, the dollar’s purchasing power is due to disintegrate roughly in the fall of 2016. However, given that the loss of purchasing power is not linear my equations were able to extrapolate the research data and show that by April 10, 2019 there is a 95% probability that the dollar will have disintegrated in almost all of its real purchasing power. Per Albert Einstein the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. What is really happening behind the scenes is that the interest on the national debt is compounding rapidly requiring in turn even more debt to be issued. This ‘funny money’ if you will, is being dumped by creditors of the US into the economy to purchase goods and services on a global basis. For example, Chinese nationals have already purchased $22 billion in US real estate. These huge funds are in turn driving up prices or in other words driving down the purchasing power of the dollar. Few if any are willing to give specific dates to any dollar meltdown. Even Lindsey Williams seems kind of cagey about giving specific dates. However, I am giving you a specific date and a probability of the event happening; Most likely it will occur in the fall of 2016 or perhaps fall of 2017 according to various differential equations I derived, with April 10, 2019 being the outside date with a 95% probability of it happening by then. So although I can not give an exact date I can tell you that there is a mathematical certainty of a dollar collapse happening by April 10, 2019. You have less than 5 years (most likely only 2 or 3 years) to make your final plans and preparations.

        • JD
        • July 30, 2014

        The Dollar is not going to collapse for a couple of basic reasons:

        1) Currency Valuations are Relative – the Europeans / ECB are now on a mission to implement their own version of QE. This will have the effect of strengthening (or at least maintaining) the value of the Dollar vs. the Euro. The Japanese are doing the same thing – they have set out on a desperate mission to weaken the Yen versus (guess what) the Dollar. The Dollar cannot collapse unless the other major currencies skyrocket.

        2) The U.S. is also experiencing economic growth and is in the early stages of a multi-decade energy boom. It will be one of the biggest macro-themes of this century. Years of negative trade balance are being reversed and the U.S. may once again establish itself as a net exporter, all of which will benefit… the Dollar.

        Gold is down to <$1,300 right now. Stocks are testing record levels. Real estate is gaining. GDP just print +4%.


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