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Introduction to Lindsey Williams

Lindsey Williams, an ordained Baptist minister went to Alaska in 1970 as a missionary. While in Alaska, Pastor Williams found out about the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline, which began construction on 29th April 1974. Because of Pastor Williams’ love for the USA and concern for the spiritual welfare of the over 25,000 workers on the pipeline, he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company.


Lindsey Williams Official


Pastor Williams was given the northern 7 out of the 28 construction camps including the oil field at Prudhoe Bay to hold worship services at the 7 camps once a day. After six months a PR employee at Alyeska Pipeline Company told Pastor Lindsey Williams that he was an invaluable asset to the company. He said that Lindsey was saving the oil pipeline company thousands of dollars of counselling fees and had voted successfully to give Pastor Williams executive status if he wished to accept it. Executive status meant that Lindsey Williams could go anywhere he liked and see anything he wanted regarding the pipeline operation. They gave him a vehicle and an executive pass and he was also invited to sit in on board meetings in an advisory capacity in order to help the relationship between management and labour.

For three years Pastor Lindsey Williams had the opportunity to sit, live and rub shoulders with the most powerful, controlling and manipulative men on the face of this planet.

The site I have created will document what happened to Pastor Lindsey Williams during his time as chaplain to the Alyeska Pipeline Company and what has happened subsequently regarding the elite’s plan for control of the world and its resources.

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Invitation by Pastor Lindsey Williams…


  1. Reply

    Anticrist manifestation 15 february 2012. — 100 days after , the anticrist, will show his truth intentions.

    Fist asteroid – 11 april 2012

      • Anenome Ofglobalgov
      • January 3, 2014

      Fimdos, I guess you were wrong about the asteroid and antichrist huh?

  2. Reply

    Hi Lindsey,

    I heard about you on the Alex Jones show a few times. By any chance, are you in the Phoenix Arizona area? I am will the East Valley Tea Party. Our website is

    If you are in the Phoenix area, would you be interested in talking with our group. Many of our member have not heard of you before and would be very interested hearing your story. I look forward hearing from you. My email contact information is

    Kin Liang
    East Valley Tea Party,
    Education Vice Chair.

  3. Reply

    Mr. Williams, I listen to the Alex Jones show and in April, you told the audience to mark their calendar for March 11th and March 14th. You never explained why. WE now know what happened on those two dates. The earthquake in Japan followed by the Tsunami that devastated the island communities on the 11th. On the 14th the nuclear reactors exploded. If this is what you were referring to,we would like to know how you knew. I tried to call in today to ask this question but could not get through. Please comment on this. Thank you for your great information. Bob Macosko

    • Robert L. Macosko
    • June 22, 2011

    Mr. Williams,
    I listen to you on the Alex Jones Show and back in April of this year you had told the audience to mark their calender for March 11th and March 14th, 2011. You never explained why we should do this. We know know what happened on those two dates. The devastating earthquake followed by the tsunami on the 11th.and nuclear reactor explosion on the 14th. I tried to get in to the Alex Jones show today when you were on but could not get through. I wanted to know as well as the audience what you knew was going to happen on those days. If it was about the earthquake, then it was deliberately caused and how did you know?


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