chris waltzek
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – Chris Waltzek – December 2013
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – Chris Waltzek – December 2013
Lindsey Williams on GoldSeek Radio speaking with Chris Waltzek on 4th December 2013 talking about a global currency reset that if the Elite have their way will take place within 90 days. He confirms this is not the collapse or a devaluation of the American dollar, but it will cause the dollar to lose its world reserve status. This will be the biggest financial event in the last 1,000 years from the prespective of Pastor Williams' Elite friends. Every person on the globe will be affected. 204 nations have agreed with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to revalue their currencies to within 3 to 5% of each other based upon the assets of each country. This will end the currency wars and give the New World Order full control with a new gold backed currency. it will mean the US dollar will be reset down by 30% of its current value. He says that bank holidays are still another year off and that 30-50% of private, state and federal retirement funds are to be nationalised and/or confiscated between now and then.
Pastor Williams also discusses the main reason for the dumbing down of America is the smart meter microwave technology being installed in every home, implemented to prevent people revolting over what the Elite are about to do with them. Lindsey Williams verified this information with research from Barrie Trower, a former microwave weapons expert.
Lindsey also refers to an IMF meeting held on 9th October 2013, the minutes of which were recently released. The report is called “Taxing Times”. In this report the IMF recommends the USA does the following: Increase taxes; New capital controls; Sieze retirement funds and Bring the national debt down to pre-banking crisis 2007 levels. You can download the report here.
Pastor Lindsey Williams also says to watch the news carefully over the next three months. He said that when you see that his source was right about the global currency reset, you will conclude that his Elite friend is also right about everything else too, including smart meters and what they are doing to our brains. Lindsey Williams repeats again to get out of paper assets at all costs.
He announces his new DVD “Global Currency Reset” that is now available at Prophecy Club. It is available for express shipment now.
Chris Waltzek’s show can be listened to at the GoldSeek Radio website.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – Chris Waltzek – June 2013
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – Chris Waltzek – June 2013
Lindsey Williams on Gold Seek Radio speaking with Chris Waltzek in June 2013. Pastor Williams discusses two emails received from his elite friend received on 20th June 2013 warning about a Lehman Brothers like Crash happening in China that could mean global collapse:
Email #1:
‘A large Chinese bank just last night ran out of liquidity and was bailed out by the government. Furthermore: “The seven-day repo rate, the benchmark rate for funding costs between banks, surged to 12.33% Thursday afternoon from the 8.26% rate at Wednesday’s close. It had averaged around 3.30% this year before the liquidity crunch began at the end of last month.” This is the same phenomenon that occurred globally in September 2008.’
Email #2:
‘The U.S. market has DECLINED over the past month, the Japanese stock market has recently dropped 20%, the U.S. bond market sold-off, gold (GLD) is down 20% year-to-date (YTD), Chinese stocks (FXI) have fallen 19.69% YTD, emerging markets stocks (EEM) have depreciated 11.3% IN THE LAST MONTH, copper—a premiere asset considered to indicate growth or contraction, has contracted 18% YTD, etc… Investors should not ignore this massive deflation in global markets and assets.’
Please take warning, Pastor Williams said he doesn’t know how far this will go, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Pastor Williams also discusses his new DVD “Healing The Elite Way” which is the most important DVD he has ever made. It saved his life and this DVD may save yours. Available to pre-order.
In light of the new revelations, Pastor Williams recommends that you get out of paper as soon as possible. Get into ‘tangibles' such as gold, silver and other precious metals as well as land and seeds. Check out this exclusive article where Lindsey Williams tells us why the price of gold has been falling for several months.
Pastor Lindsey Williams' book “The Energy Non-Crisis” is now available on Amazon Kindle.
Chaplain Lindsey Williams' book “To Seduce A Nation” is now available on Amazon Kindle.
Chris Waltzek's GoldSeek Radio can be listened to at the GoldSeek Radio website.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs
Lindsey Williams – Goldseek Radio – May 2013
Lindsey Williams – Goldseek Radio – May 2013
Lindsey Williams on GoldSeek Radio speaking with Chris Waltzek in May 2013. Pastor Williams discusses the latest information from his elite friend. The New World Order is in it's final formation and the Elite are working toward a date for the collapse of ALL currencies. Events SIMILAR to Cyprus are planned for nation after nation. Pastor Williams' Elite friend gave him numerous personal warnings concerning his own family.
Pastor Williams also discusses his new DVD “New Signs Of The Elite“, available for 70% off!
He also discusses the recent lowering of the gold and other commodities markets. Check out this exclusive article.
The GoldSeek Radio website.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – March 2013
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – March 2013
Lindsey Williams on GoldSeek Radio speaking with Chris Waltzek in March 2013. Pastor Lindsey Williams discusses doctors all over America are closing their offices and leaving the medical profession because of the new healthcare system beginning January 1, 2013. Dr. David Janda states that 40% of the healthcare professionals are leaving. Chaplain Lindsey Williams will be discussing this and more information relating to the elite and their plan for humanity and this planet including where the elite go for their healthcare needs.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs